Collection | George III Calendar |
Reference | GEO/MAIN/890, 900-902 |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Letter from Robert Wilmot to Pennell Hawkins advising that Hawkins should apply to the Duke of Grafton for a warrant |
Date | 11 July 1769 |
Writer | Wilmot, Robert |
Douglas, Andrew |
Lloyd, John |
Addressee | Hawkins, Penel |
Douglas, Andrew |
Description | Letter from Robert Wilmot (GEO/MAIN/900) returning the letters from Mr [Andrew] Douglas (GEO/MAIN/890) and Mr [John] Lloyd (GEO/MAIN/902) and enclosing a draft Instrument (GEO/MAIN/901) with recital of the orders given by George III to the late Lord Chamberlain [William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland]; letter from Andrew Douglas to Penel Hawkins dated 13 May 1769 at the Treasury of the Chamber Office (GEO/MAIN/890) advising 'the necessity of your solliciting a proper Form &c for your own sake as well as for an indemnification to Sir Gilbert Elliot for the payments which have been made to you at this office' and enclosing a copy letter dated 12 May 1769 at Lincoln's Inn from John Lloyd, deputy auditor to Andrew Douglas, deputy treasurer of His Majesty's Chamber (GEO/MAIN/902) that the annual payment of £300 per annum upon lives to 'Pennell Hawkins' cannot be made unless authorised by warrant countersigned by the Lords Commissioner of the Treasury. Signed |
Place Of Writing | Lord Chamberlain's Office |
Language | English |
Extent | 4 documents (5 pages) |
Physical Description | Loose manuscript papers; mounted |
Access Conditions | Available in surrogate form only |
Document Image | 

Level | Item |