CollectionGeorge IV Bills
Record TypeCorrespondence
Financial records
TitleGeorge IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties: Private property
Date23/12/1816 - [31/12/1820]
DescriptionGEO/MAIN/35372: Letter from John Nash to CharlesBicknell, suggesting that as the Act relating to the Royal demesnes has now been passed, possession should be taken from the Kings Commissioners, as any order Nash or Lord Yarmouth may give at Windsor, Kew, Richmond, etc., may be premature until they are legally in possession. 23 December 1812, 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35373: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Charles Bicknell, 23 December 1816, enclosing a memorandum of rent due to the Prince Regent by the King’s Trustees [GEO/MAIN/35374] and a draft for this amount. Includes a note (presumably by Bicknell) dated 24 December 1816, recording that the draft was paid. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35374: Abstract of account between the King’s Trustees and the Prince Regent’s Commissioners, n.d. [December 1816], for payment due to the Prince Regent for the rent of Home
Park Christmas 1815 – Christmas 1816, from which has been deducted payment due to George III for rent of private lands at Kew over the same period. 1 document [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35373]
GEO/MAIN/35375-35376: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Charles Bicknell, enclosing an abstract of account with the Prince Regent’s Commissioners [GEO/MAIN/35377], and a draft for the amount. Taylor also requests assistance in obtaining the rent due to the King by the Duke of Cumberland for some paddocks at Kew, enclosing a document relating to this matter, 27 December 1817. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35377: Abstract of account between the King’s Trustees and the Prince Regent’s Commissioners, Christmas 1817, for payment due to the Prince Regent for the rent of Home
Park Christmas 1816 – Christmas 1817, from which has been deducted payment due to George III for rent of private lands at Kew over the same period. Includes a note by Bicknell dated 29 December 1817 recording that the draft has been paid. 1 document [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35375-35376]
GEO/MAIN/35378-35379: Memorandum from Richard Snart, recording his attempts to obtain the rent due to the King’s Trustees from the Duke of Cumberland for paddocks at Kew, and transcribing 2 letters from Mr Salisbury (the Duke’s Steward) on the subject, 27 December 1817. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35380-35381: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, enclosing his observations on the Bill proposed to extend the powers of the King’s Trustees
[GEO/MAIN/35382-35383] and a copy of his letter to the Vice Chancellor in May [GEO/MAIN/35384], remarking that the proposed Bill does not cover the King’s Real and Personal Estate or the Trust under which it is held, 1 July 1819. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35382-35383: Observations [by Sir Herbert Taylor] on the proposed Bill [to extend the powers of the King’s Trustees], n.d. [c. 1 July 1819]. 1 document [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35380-35381]
GEO/MAIN/35384: Copy of a letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to the Vice Chancellor [Sir John Leach], enclosing the Attorney General’s opinion [GEO/MAIN/35385-35386] and
suggesting the need for an Act to enable the buying and selling of property, 24 May 1819, 1 document. [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35380-35381]
GEO/MAIN/35385-35386: Copy of the Attorney General’s (Sir Simon Shepherd) opinion regarding the powers of the King’s Commissioners to alienate the King’s Real Estates [?‘under Stat’] with additional notes [?by Sir Herbert Taylor] that this related to the sale to the King of the manorial allotment in Winkfield, 14 May 1819. 1 document [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35384]
GEO/MAIN/35387-35388: Memorandum by Sir Herbert Taylor recording the wishes of the Prince Regent that the King’s Trustees should sell the King’s leasehold property at Weymouth, purchase some property at Kew, and purchase the Arcot jewels. The memorandum also notes the Prince Regent’s wish that a Bill be introduced which would give the King’s Trustees the power of sale and purchase. Also refers to the sale of property to the King in his private right from the manor of Winkfield, 2 July 1819. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35389: Letter from Sir John Leach (Vice-Chancellor) to Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, explaining that the Bill Bloomfield sent to amend two acts does not apply to the King’s private property, 2 July 1819. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35390: Letter from Sir John Leach (Vice-Chancellor) to Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, reporting that he had no further information about a Bill referred to in an enclosed
memorandum [not on file], 2 July 1819. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35391: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Charles Bicknell enclosing a draft [not on file] for the rent of the Home Park, 15 January 1820. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35392: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Charles Bicknell reporting that a search of the deeds and documents in his possession relating to the Real Property of the late King had not produced anything with regard to Buckingham House, nor could he find any record of purchase or sale, and agreeing that the Treasury may be able to provide information, 30 March
1820. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35393: Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to Charles Bicknell, partly concerning a sum of £12,000 to cover outstanding claims and the expense of alterations ordered at Kew by the King, 6 April 1820. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35394: Letter from H. Whiteae [?] to Charles Bicknell, forwarding documents re George III’s property at Weymouth [not on file] and a schedule thereof [GEO/MAIN/35395], 13 May 1820. 1 document
GEO/MAIN/35395: Schedule of documents re George III’s property at Weymouth, sent to Charles Bicknell on 13 May 1820. 1 document [Enclosure of GEO/MAIN/35394]
GEO/MAIN/35396: Memorandum regarding the value of the premises of Mrs Crutchley and Mr Orton at Kew [Kew Green?], and their current sale price. n.d. [?post-29 January 1820], 1 document
Extent18 documents
Physical DescriptionLoose manuscript papers
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