Collection | Melbourne Papers |
Reference | MP |
Record Type | Correspondence |
Title | Papers of William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne |
Date | 1799-1848 |
Description | Collection mainly consists of Lord Melbourne's official correspondence dating from his periods in office as Prime Minister and Home Secretary from 1830 to 1841. The papers also include some personal and earlier official correspondence, as well as some dating to the death of Lord Melbourne in 1848. Also included in the collection are a set of notebooks with drafts etc. of lectures and speeches dating to Lord Melbourne's university education. |
Language | English |
French |
Latin |
Greek |
Extent | 122 boxes, plus two folders |
Access Conditions | Available for research |
Arrangement | The correspondence has been arranged into series of Royal, major and miscellaneous correspondence and specific topics: appointments (including the Church), honours, pensions, ecclesiastical affairs, home affairs, foreign affairs, legal issues, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, riots, Royal Bounty, Charterhouse and the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835. The groups preserve as far as possible the original arrangement of the papers. Within each group, the arrangement of the papers is generally alphabetical by correspondent rather than chronological.
Box MP/1 is catalogued to item level
Related Material | For correspondence between Lord Melbourne and Queen Victoria see VIC/MAIN/A/1-6, VIC/MAIN/C/1-6 and VIC/MAIN/Z/270. For miscellaneous non-Royal letters to Lord Melbourne see also VIC/MAIN/Z/501. Other papers of Lord Melbourne ( including his family and personal papers) are in the Hertfordshire Record Office. His political correspondence with Lord John Russell is held by the University of Southampton. |
Publications | Commercial microfilm available (except for Royal correspondence in MP/122) |
Level | Fonds |