Collection | Privy Purse and Treasurer's Department papers |
Description | Memoranda and other documents relating to salaries, pensions, orders for payment, appointments of staff in the Royal Household and on private estates, duties of officials, honours, and banking arrangements, etc. Includes at front 3 instructions to Gentlemen Porters relating to post and telegrams etc., 18 May 1904; 27 July 1905, and 17 November 1907; Memorandum of 'Rules to be observed in dealing with correspondence in the offices of the Keeper of the Privy Purse and Private Secretary', undated [1901-1910]; and 8 copies of the London Gazette Extraordinary (nos. 19919, 20035, 27269-27272), 21 November 1840, 9 November 1841 and 22 - 25 January 1901. Includes at the back, 7 letters from banks relating to the change of Keeper of the Privy Purse from Sir Dighton Probyn to Sir William Carington, 14 - 25 June 1910. |