Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Becker forwards letters addressed to him [regarding the Raphael collection for which he was no longer responsible] and sends photographs of himself for Ruland and two of the Queen's ladies in waiting. He thanks Ruland for news of the Raphael collection, and is sending him relevant information about collections in Oxford, to be passed on to the Prince Consort. He confirms that the Raphael drawings mentioned by Passavant as at Christ Church are still there, framed and hung, but reports that there is also a large number of Old Master drawings kept in portfolios. The Dean was unable to show them to Becker because the store rooms are too cold to spend time there during the winter, but he is willing to send them to London for HRH to see and for anything of interest to be photographed. Becker suspects that they may include interesting drawings, given the framed drawings he saw, including one relating to the Gathering of Manna in the Loggias and another of the Procession of Bacchus in an oval. Becker also draws attention to the collection of Dr. Wellesley in Oxford, which he spent an afternoon examining. It includes some drawings formerly in the Lawrence collection, including three portraits of women, and heads of the Madonna and the Christ Child related to Lord Cowper's Madonna, to which Becker gives references from Passavant. He also found a replica of Reveley's drawing of three nude figures - he reminds Ruland that Delamotte has not yet sent the negative plate of this to HRH - and a cartoon for La Perla; he goes on to mention several more drawings in the Wellesley collection. In addition, Becker reports that Dr. Wellesley has a rich collection of engravings, in particular of drawings, that he had no time to examine. He was given to understand that Wellesley would not object to the photographing of whatever might be needed from his collection, and he thinks it not unlikely that Wellesley would allow the drawings to be taken to London. He suggests that HRH should send Ruland to Oxford to look at the collection, when he could also find out whether Wellesley would consider selling any of his engravings to HRH, or whether he would consider making exchanges. As for the Christ Church collection, Becker comments that it cannot be seen until the summer because the store rooms are too cold.