Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Dr. Waagen states that while visiting Caen recently to see, in the museum there, Perugino's painting of the marriage of the Virgin, on which Raphael based his own painting now in Milan, he obtained two copies of a small lithograph of it. As Prince Albert has studied Raphael so closely and loves his work so much, Dr. Waagen thinks he may be interested to compare the two paintings and see how the young Raphael was influenced by his master, and he asks Becker to give the Prince the lithograph, in token of his admiration and gratitude. He also states that a local painter has made a faithful life-size copy of the picture which is for sale for 1,000 francs, a small price in his opinion - in case the Prince would be interested in buying it. A note by Becker on the letter records his reply thanking Waagen and accepting the lithograph. |