Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Spithöver reports that Mr Anderson is anxious to take the photograph requested by the Prince Consort, but was unable to take a satisfactory picture at this time of year because of the position of the sun, the exceptional heat, and the fact that the fountain requires very particular lighting which will not be available for a few more weeks. If the Prince wishes to have the photograph at once, Anderson can send a print from the negative he has made lately, but which he thinks unsuccessful. Otherwise he will photograph the fountain again as soon as the light is favourable. A note by Becker on the letter records his reply of 10 September that the commission was given in the belief that the photograph had already been taken, but as it has not, a few weeks' delay will not matter. He requests the following photographs: the Villa Madama (more from the architectural than the landscape angle), Santa Maria in Domnia (especially showing the loggia), and Casa Berti on St Peter's Square. He adds a note asking whether Anderson's prints are washed before going into the toning bath. The letter was written and signed on Spithöver's behalf by W. Haase. |