Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Craven acknowledges Ruland's letter; he is in Turin on the way to England. He confirms that the necessary permission for the photographing of the pictures and drawings by Raphael requested by the Prince Consort was granted at once by the Prince of Carignan, but it took weeks to persuade the employees of the Museo Borbonico to move the pictures to a place with sufficient light. Towards the end of May this was done, but the difficulties were such that by 15 June, when Craven had to leave Naples, with Tomasi's help he had managed to photograph only one picture, The Holy Family, with any success. He has brought away a print to show Sir Charles Phipps, as evidence of the problems arising from the locality and the 'unphotogenic colouring' of the pictures. He will forward the print to Ruland, together with one of a Titian painting which was much lighter in colouring and did not need to be moved. Craven points out, however, that he has got to know the Director of the museum and has suggested to him that the valuable Greek papiri in the museum should be photographed. Tomasi has been asked to do this and is on excellent terms with the museum staff, which will help him in continuing with the project for the Prince Consort. The long delay has given Craven great annoyance. He asks Ruland to explain to Sir Charles Phipps what has happened, and to let him know whether he should forward the remainder of the prints [from his previous attempts at photographing the pictures], in the event that Tomasi cannot achieve anything better. He adds the address in Paris where he will be staying on his way to London. For related correspondence, see VIC/ADDA10/85/301. |