Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Gruner writes that he is enclosing a list (see VIC/ADDA10/85/303) of outstanding drawings which he saw in Turin nearly 30 years ago; most of them he considers worth photographing. He reports that he was unable to see M. Lasalle in Paris, but that arrangements are in hand, with the help of Mr Gage and Mr Thompson, to have the 'Disputa' photographed for the Prince. Gruner has heard nothing from Bingham, who merely makes promises. Halle has returned to Dresden, so Gruner will have the little drawing of St Felicitas photographed very soon. He will be grateful to receive the drawings from ?Dr. Wellesley's collection which Ruland promised. With regard to the Frogmore Mausoleum, Gruner will have to appeal to Sir Charles [Phipps]; he asks Ruland to send the enclosure [not present] to Phipps soon. He asks whether Ruland's photographer could provide 12 prints of a Raphael picture in the Dresden Museum. He encloses a list of their 100 photographs [not present] and will send prints as soon as the opportunity arises. See VIC/ADDA10/85/303 for list of outstanding drawings and VIC/ADDA10/85/244, which refers to M. Lasalle's collection, including a sketch probably for the 'Dispute du St Sacrement'. |