Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | In response to the questions he has been asked, Passavant states that the photographer Schäffer [Schäfer] has published 6 sets of photographs of original drawings in the Städel Art Institute in Frankfurt including four by Raphael. He has not photographed any other Raphael drawings. Passavant goes on to list the numbers he allotted to several works by Raphael in his own work on that artist, alongside the numbers used by Landon for the same works. The works are: Venus pulling out a thorn from herself; Venus and Cupid on Delphi - both in Cardinal Bibbiena's bathroom Apollo and Daphne The Observation of the Stars in the Vatican Hercules crushing Antaeus A woman carrying a vase A man talking to a seated woman. Chiaroscuro by Ugo da Carpi An old woman Chastity The Sibyl with the flaming torch The Sibyl with the Angel (composition by Guido Reni). Chiaroscuro. Passavant then remarks that the publication of photographs of original drawings by Old Masters is a boon to art lovers and connoisseurs, who owe much gratitude to those who promote such enterprises. He asks Becker to pass this on to the Prince Consort if the occasion arises, and to tell him how much Passavant appreciated the kindness with which the Prince received him in London. Before photography had reached its current perfection, Passavant had persuaded the Art Institute to publish its best drawings in facsimile, and two sheets, including Raphael's Handing over of the Pandects were successfully engraved by a talented artist before the latter fell ill and the project came to a halt. Schäfer then undertook to publish photographs of the drawings. Passavant promises to send Becker the two facsimiles when he has the opportunity. 'Landon' is assumed to be Charles Paul Landon (1760-1826), the French painter and art historian. |