Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Tinker writes that he has received Becker's letter and is willing to photograph the 22 Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum; six are too large to be photographed in the original size. Should they be reduced in size or photographed in two parts? He states that the Directors of the Museum have said no permission had been asked or given for the photography of other Old Master drawings. He is unable to say how long the work will take because he will not be allowed to take the drawings out of the museum, which is badly lit, and the time of year is not favourable; he will not be able to work during the daily public opening hours; the drawings are yellow with age and therefore difficult to photograph. The state of the weather will thus be crucial. He does not wish to reserve the right to publication, but will send the negative plates with a print of each, and will charge £60. He asks for advice on the best way to send the negatives. Becker's note of his reply on 2 November records that in the first instance Tinker is to be asked to photograph 3 drawings as samples (Gathering of Manna, Joshua addressing the Israelites, Group for the Conversion of Saul), and that reduced size photographs of the large drawings should be taken, and the measurements of the originals stated. He also gave instructions for packing the negatives. |