CollectionVictorian Additional Papers
Record TypeCorrespondence
TitleLetter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker regretting that he has been unable to find a good copy of Correggio's Magdalen, reporting that he has found Raphael drawings in Weimar and Gotha, and mentioning other matters.
Date19 November 1857
WriterGruner, Ludwig; Director of the Königliches Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden
AddresseeBecker, Ernest, Dr.; Librarian to the Prince Consort
DescriptionGruner writes that following Becker's letter he has searched for a copy of Correggio's Magdalen; he has discovered that two copies were made recently, but the first, a watercolour by Wheelwright, would not answer Becker's purpose while the second, by Ross, was apparently painted for Lord Ward and is not for sale, although it was very good. The Magdalen is no long allowed to be copied so copies are rare. It has been painted very prettily on porcelain, but this would be unsatisfactory.
Gruner reports that he has been to Weimar where he saw some fine Raphael drawings left to the Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar by her father the King of the Netherlands, namely the 'Madonna del Pesce' (annotated 'G 100' in the letter)), a head and shoulders portrait (annotated 'Z 440') said to be of Pope Julius II but probably someone else (illegible name), according to Gruner, and Noah's sacrifice after being saved from the Flood. The Grand Duchess's collection includes some more drawings attributed to Raphael, but Gruner considers these to be, rather, studies by pupils. She is willing to exchange photographs of her drawings [for photographs from Windsor].
Gruner also draws attention to a fine pen drawing in Gotha, which he notes as Passavant II p.632 No. 14. It is in good condition and would photograph well.
He adds that Grahl's photographs are being worked on and include some very fine ones, especially a Venus and Cupid recently bought [by or for] HRH [by or from] Gruner. He has not been able to examine the 51 drawings, but would be glad to see the remaining ones a second time. He asks Becker to let him know when the Lattanzio Gambara frescoes come back from Manchester, as he wishes to complete his record of those from the small Saloon, of which he is missing many. He asks Becker to let him know how the instructions he gave for work at Osborne have turned out.
Finally, he promises to send Becker the second part of a work (entitled Orvieto), and comments on the unlucky fate of the work, with the death of its writers and then the sad turn of events for the King of Prussia [now mentally ill], who had accepted the dedication of it.
Note by Becker at the top of the letter: replied on 1 December.
Information.. 'Ross' is perhaps the painter Sir William Charles Ross or his brother Hugh, although they were chiefly miniature painters. The apparent reference to Grahl's photographs including one bought by or from Gruner, by or for HRH, needs further clarification: Gruner's handwriting is difficult to read, as ever.
Place Of WritingDresden
Extent1 document (10 pages)
Physical DescriptionLoose manuscript paper; mounted
Access ConditionsAvailable in surrogate form only
Digitisation NotesThese papers are available online within 'Prince Albert: His Life and Legacy'
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