Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Becker writes that the Prince Consort has asked him to thank Minutoli warmly for the photograph of his picture by Raphael; considering the particular difficulties involved, it is a very successful reproduction. He states that HRH has often resorted to retouched photographs when important details are scarcely visible; if they are carefully done they can be a useful complement to the original photograph. The latter, however, conveys the 'sprit' of the picture more accurately, however much detail is lacking. But Herr von Minutoli's photograph is far better than any of those of which a retouched version was needed. Since he has suggested it, however, the Prince will be gladly include a retouched copy, if skilfully and not too heavily done, in his collection alongside the original photograph. Becker goes on to mention 'the second part' of Minutoli's letter concerning the sale of his collections [in fact Minutoli's letter (see VIC/ADDA10/85/405) makes no reference to this, but there was perhaps an additional note with the letter which is now missing]. He thinks the Department of Practical Art and Science would be the most suitable home for the collections, but he has heard that its funds are very limited and 50,000 thalers would probably be beyond its reach. Becker promises to make enquiries anyway. Finally, Becker asks Minutoli to have two copies of the last two sheets of part III of the photographic record of his collection of model pieces sent to him by the publisher, as they were found to be missing from the copies sent to the Prince when these were prepared for binding. Minutoli had formed a very large applied art collection, of which he had a selection photographed and published in a set of albums entitled 'Vorbilder für Fabrikanten und Handwerker', intended for use by manufacturers and craftsmen. He also had collections of pictures and Egyptian antiquities. |