Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Ruland writes that he has seen Herr Schäfer, who was very surprised to be asked when the remaining [Raphael] drawings would be photographed. He claimed not to have known that his commission was to photograph all the Raphael drawings in the Städel Institute, and thought it concerned only the three drawings which Herr Passavant had supplied to him, and of which he had already sent photographs to Dr. Becker. He therefore asked for more precise information about the others, and promised to undertake the work as soon as he received this. He also thought he would make much faster progress if Dr. Becker could ask Herr Passavant to send the drawings to his studio, as previously he was not given a room to work in at the Institute, and consequently had to photograph the three drawings outside, where the light was sometimes very unfavourable. Schäfer recently photographed the 40 Fouquet miniatures belonging to Herr Brentano and he asks whether he should send copies of the collection to Dr. Becker along with the other photographs, for his inspection. Ruland adds that he is not yet sure when he will be leaving [for England], but it will probably be in ten days' time. Charles Ruland was engaged as German Librarian to the Prince Consort later in July 1859, taking over from Ernst Becker in January 1860. 'Herr' Brentano could conceivably be a mistake for 'Frau' Brentano - Antonie Brentano (1780-1869 ) was an art collector and patron living in Frankfurt. |