Collection | Victorian Additional Papers |
Description | Stockmar begins by thanking Becker for his letter of 6 December and for sending a copy of the Hamilton report; his own has since turned up, so he returns this one. He is glad that Becker is pleased with the memento from Prince and Princess Frederick William. The latter's younger ladies (in waiting) want to give Countess Perponcher photographs of English royal residences &c for Christmas, and Stockmar asks Becker to obtain whichever of these he can find and send them to him. Stockmar reports that Dr Waagen has at last had the Princess of Prussia's Raphael picture photographed. The glass plate has a crack in it, but Waagen wants him to send it to Becker anyway, as the damage is only in an unimportant part of the picture. Stockmar goes on to report that he has commissioned a photographer in Coblenz named Thomas to photograph the Bethmann Hollweg drawing there and to send the glass plate and print to Becker and the bill to Stockmar himself. Finally, Stockmar states that he is sending a lithograph of Beethoven via the courier. It is what was asked for except that it was printed not by Zöllner but by Delius [?art publishers]. He encloses the bill. |