Collection | Victorian Papers, Main Series |
Description | Queen Victoria has read the Lord Advocate of Scotland's papers regarding the Barony of Herriers, and sanctions the reversal of the Attainder, which will enable Mr. Constable Maxwell to urge his claim before the Committee of Privileges on the House of Peers. She is very sorry that she is going to lose the services of Mr [later Lord] Macaulay, and asks Lord John Russell to convey this to him. The Queen has no objection to one of the three named individuals being called up to the House of Lords instead of Lord Morpeth: Fox Maule is the one most likely to support Lord Lansdowne. The Queen fears that discontent is springing up in different parts of the country, as Lord John mentions. The Government must meet this by measures of improvement. The Health of Towns Bill ought to be taken up with energy: should Lord John find Lord Morpeth too soft for the task, he (Lord John) should undertake the measure himself. |