CollectionVictorian Papers, Main Series
Record TypeCorrespondence
TitleLetter from Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston. [Copy in Prince Albert's hand]
Date7 September 1848
WriterVictoria, Queen
AddresseePalmerston, 3rd Viscount
DescriptionQueen Victoria has received Lord Palmerston's letter and the long draft to Lord Normanby [British Ambassador to France]. As the draft has gone, the Queen will only remark that the passage expressing Palmerston's agreement in the general argument of M. de Beaumont [French Ambassador to London], regarding the advantages of a previous concert between France and England as to any military operations which France might be compelled to undertake in Italy, is most dangerous for the future peace of Europe, especially from the sole objection stated - that the case which could require such a decision does not seem to have happened yet. This clearly suggests that when it has happened, armed interference by France and England is to take place, i.e. war against Austria to take from it a province it holds by the Treaty of Vienna, to which England is a party. Queen Victoria cannot consent to this line of policy. It is immaterial whether French troops alone are used for such an unjust purpose, if this is done on previous concert with England. The Queen disapproves of the whole tone of the draft.
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