CollectionVictorian Papers, Main Series
Record TypeCorrespondence
TitleLetter (copy) from Queen Victoria to Lord Palmerston
Date6 October 1848
WriterVictoria, Queen
AddresseePalmerston, 3rd Viscount
DescriptionLord Palmerston's objection to a Conference, that Powers like Spain and Portugal might claim to be admitted to it as parties to the Treaty of Vienna, appears to be removed by the precedent of Belgium. What Palmerston mentions as peculiar in the Belgian question does not affect the claim of minor powers to participate in such a Conference. Even the peculiarity of the engagements contracted by the Northern Powers and England regarding Belgium does not affect the question of a Conference, as France was admitted to the Belgian Conference without being bound by any such engagements. The Queen can see no difference in the two cases. If the object of mediation was only to drive Austrians out of their lawful dominions in Italy by a threat of French intervention, Lord Normanby [British Ambassador to France], who is so partisan to Italy, would be the best instrument because he contends that Lombardy belongs to Sardinia as it is annexed to that kingdom by universal suffrage by the sovereignty of the people - which is a policy to which the Queen cannot consent. Queen Victoria does not therefore wish Lord Normanby to be sent, and hopes that Palmerston will soon submit another arrangement to her, as he says that time is pressing.
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