Collection | Victorian Papers, Main Series |
Description | 'Tenth Report of the Commissioners on the Fine Arts, with appendix. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty'. Reporting on completion of eight frescoes in the Upper Waiting Hall and their use as examples of the qualities of fresco-painting. They also report that eleven of the eighteen statues in the House of Lords are complete and placed in their intended niches, and record the progress being made in St. Stephen's Hall, the Prince's Chamber and the Queen's Robing Room. They also report further commissions of John Rogers Herbert, Edward Matthew Ward, Charles West Cope and Daniel Maclise.
Commissioners listed as: Albert, Newcastle, Sutherland, Lansdowne, Aberdeen, J. Russell, Palmerston, Canning, Carlisle, Willoughby D'Eresby, C.S. Lefevre, J.R.G. Graham, Robert Harry Inglis, B. Hawes and S. Rogers. |