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GIVBILLS - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts
1 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to furniture, lustres, clocks and linens
2 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to carriages, harnesses, parks, farms, gardens, the menagerie at Sandpit Gate, bell-ringing and gun-firing, horses and racing
3 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for goldsmith (jewellery) bills
4 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for china and glass
5 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for the purchase of prints, enamels, and statuary
6 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for books, newspapers, prints, stationery, and purchases for the Royal Library
1 - Bill issued by James Campbell for stationery
2 - Bill and receipt issued by the Estate of Joseph Edmondson for a supplemental volume of 'Barconagium Genealogium'
3 - Bill issued by T. Becket for stationary, including blotting paper
4 - Bill issued by T. Yarrell for newspapers
5 - Letter from T. Becket to A. Robinson regarding an account of books
6 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
7 - Bill and receipt issued by Charles Stuart for books, binding, and delivery; includes two volumes of the 'Doomsday Book'
8 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books and stationery
9 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books and stationery
10 - 'Proposals for Publishing by Subscription...Cartwright's Six Voyages to Labrador'; used as a subscription receipt issued by W[illia]m Faden
11 - Bill issued by T. Becket for stationery
12 - Letter from Mr Tattersall to Captain Payne regarding an account for the 'Morning Post'; with bill
13 - Bill and receipt issued by Thomas Hookham for two volumes of 'Tour of the Isle of Wight' and an annual subscription to the Reading Rooms
14 - Bill and receipt issued by William Faden for maps and charts
15 - Bill issued by Thomas Egerton for boxes of cavalry and infantry figures and a book of cavalry movements
16 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
17 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
18 - Bill and receipt issued by R. Horwood for a plan of London
19 - Bill and receipt issued by James Salmon for a copy of 'Ancient and Modern Rome in two volumes'
20 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
21 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
22 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
23 - Bill and receipt issued by Yarrell & Jones for newspapers
24 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
25 - Bill and receipt issued by the assignees of J. Debrett for two volumes of the 'Asiatic Annual Register'
26 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
27 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
28 - Bill and receipt issued by the exe[cuto]rs of Thomas Macklin for Macklins Bible subscription
29 - Advertisement for Reverend W. B. Daniel's book 'Rural Sports'
30 - Bill issued by John Garvock for a subscription copy of 'Britannia' for Dr. Ogilvie
31 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
32 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
33 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
34 - Bill issued by Yarrell & Jones for newspapers
35 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
36 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
37 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
38 - Bill and receipt issued by Richard Westmacott; includes sculptures for Brighton Pavillion
39 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
40 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books and binding
41 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for book and binding
42 - Bill issued by John White for Willyam's book 'Voyage up the Mediterranean' and a subscription to 'History of Surry'
43 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
44 - Bill and receipt issued by the executors of Thomas Malton (engraver) for the book 'Picturesque Tour Through London Westminster'
45 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
46 - Bill issued by D. Smith by order of C. Taylor, Secretary of the Art and Science, 'for making various aperatures for the experiments of restoring old manuscrips [manuscripts]'
47 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
48 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for stationery
49 - Bill issued by Richard Twiss for books, two sets of miscellanies, delivered to the Rev[eren]d James Hook
50 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for Princess Charlotte's books and stationery
51 - Bill issued by George Allen for newspapers
52 - Receipt 'for disbursements and an account of manuscripts sent from Naples'
53 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
54 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
55 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Becket for books
56 - Bill issued by Yarrell & Jones for newspapers
57 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
58 - Bill issued by Yarrell & Jones for newspapers
59 - Bill issued by Thomas Tyrwhitt for a 'machine for unrolling the papyri', silk, gauze, and screws
60 - Copy correspondence concerning John Brown, Genealogist to The Prince of Wales' appointment and salary
61 - Letter from John Brown to Robert Gray regarding the purchase of copies of the book 'Royal Genealogy of the King of Scotland, and of Great Britain since the reunion of the Crowns in the person of King James VI'
62 - Bill issued by John Brown for two copies of the book 'Royal Genealogy of the Kings of Scotland and of Great Britain since the union of the Crowns in the person of King James VI'
63 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
64 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books and binding
65 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
66 - Bill issued by Benjamin Jutsham for a French book and three stamps
67 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
68 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
69 - Bill issued by Benjamin Jutsham; includes a French book of prints, and the movement of 'Chinese Goods from India House to Carlton House'
70 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; inspected by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
71 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books
72 - Bill issued by T. Becket for binding books for the library
73 - Bill issued by L. Deconchy for books
74 - Bill issued by Yarrell & Jones for newspapers
75 - Bill issued by Edward Jeffery for books, binding, lettering and tooling
76 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books and binding for the library; examined by J. S. Clarke and Benj[ami]n Jutsham
77 - Bill issued by Fricker & Henderson for ten large landscapes, painted on floor cloth, for the temporary room at Blackheath
78 - Bill issued by T. Becket for binding and books for the library; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
79 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
80 - Bill and receipt issued by Thomas Boosey for books
81 - Bill issued by Tho[ma]s Daniell for books
82 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
83 - Bill issued by B. Tabart & Co. for books, games, a lock and cloth case, purchased from the Juvenile Library New Bond Street
84 - Bill and receipt issued by Edward Jeffery for books and binding
85 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
86 - Bill issued by T. Becket for binding; examined by James Stanier Clarke and Benj[ami]n Jutsham
87 - Bill issued by T. Becket for binding
88 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
89 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
90 - Bill issued by T. Becket for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
91 - Bill issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
92 - Bill issued by Tho[ma]s Becket & Co. for books and binding; examined by J. S. Clarke and Benj[ami]n Jutsham
93 - Bill issued by L. Deconchy for books
94 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
95 - Bill issued by Geo[rge] Brookshaw for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
96 - Bill issued by James Miller for magazines and newspapers
97 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by General Turner, and Benj[ami]n Jutsham
98 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
99 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books and binding; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
100 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books and binding; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
101 - Bill issued by Rob[ert] Cribb & Son for 'Cantabrigia Depicta'; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
102 - Bill issued by Laurie & Whittle for a copy of D. Albe's map of Italy; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
103 - Bill issued by Dulau & Co. for ''Le Moniteur' from the beginning 1789 to 1809' (41 volume folio)
104 - Bill issued by Geo[rge] Brookshaw for 'Pomona Britannica'
105 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
106 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books, binding, and arranging and cleaning the library
107 - Bill issued by James Cawthorn for books ordered by J[ames] S[tainer] Clarke for [George] Prince Regent
108 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books and binding
109 - Bill issued by Tho[ma]s Payne for books; examined by J[ames] S[tainer] Clarke
110 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; includes [Jane Austen's] 'Sense and Sensibility' (3 vols)
111 - Bill and receipt issued by John Watier for the book 'The History of England'
112 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
113 - Bill issued by E[dwar]d Jones for binding the books 'Musical Curiosities' and 'Musical Hive' for the musical library
114 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by J[ames] S[tainer] Clarke
115 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
116 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
117 - Bill issued by Thomas Payne for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
118 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
119 - Bill and receipt issued by M. Glanville for copies of the poem 'Iberia'; examined by J. S. Clarke
120 - Bill and receipt issued by Edward Jeffery for an illustrated copy of Shakespeare; examined by J. S. Clarke
121 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books and binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
122 - Letter from William Playfair to Colonel McMahon regarding a bill for the book 'British Family Antiquity'
123 - Letter from Tho[ma]s Marrable to Rob[er]t Gray regarding a bill issued by [William] Playfair
124 - Letter from Rob[er]t Gray to [John] Bellamy regarding the purchase and delivery of [William] Playfair's book '[British] Family Antiquity'
125 - Correspondence between William Playfair and Robert Gray regarding a bill and receipt for the book '[British] Family Antiquity'
126 - Statement concerning the case between William Playfair and Thomas Reynolds regarding the publication of the book ' [British] Family Antiquity' and providing copies for the Royal Family
127 - Letter from [?John] Rugby to Mr Hast regarding [William] Playfair's book '[British] Family Antiquity' and his incarceration at Fleet [Prison during the case mentioned in GEO/MAIN/28532-28533]
128 - Letter from John Bellamy to Colonel McMahon regarding a bill for [William] Playfair's book '[British] Family Antiquity'
129 - Bill issued by Reynolds & Grace for [William] Playfair's book 'British Family Antiquity'
130 - Receipt issued by the assignees of Reynolds & Grace in payment for '[William] Playfair's British Family Antiquity'
131 - Petition from William Playfair regarding payment for his book '[British] Family Antiquity'
132 - Bill and receipt issued by William Playfair for books and binding, including nine volumes of '[British] Family Antiquity'
133 - Bill and receipt issued by Becket & Porter for books
134 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; includes [Jane Austen's] 'Pride and Prejudice'
135 - Bill and receipt issued by Porter & Becket for books
136 - Bill and receipt issued by Becket & Porter for a subscription
137 - Bill issued by Archibald Constable & Co. for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
138 - Bill and receipt issued by James Cawthorn for the book 'Hobhouses Journey through Albania'; examined by J. S. Clarke
139 - Bill issued by C. Hering for book bindings; examined by J. S. Clarke
140 - Bill and receipt issued by Dulau & Co. for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
141 - Bill issued by Thomas Payne for books'; examined by J. S. Clarke
142 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
143 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for mounting maps and book binding; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
144 - Bill issued by Becket & Porter for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
145 - Bill and receipt issued by Jo[h]n George Wood for the book 'The Principal Ruins of Wales illustrated'; examined by J. S. Clarke
146 - Bill and receipt issued by Becket & Porter for books; includes [Jane Austen's] 'Sense and Sensibility'; examined by J. S. Clarke
147 - Bills and receipt issued by H. Roche for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
148 - Bill issued by Budd & Calkin for books and cleaning the library; examined by J. S. Clarke
149 - Bill issued by Budd & Calkin for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
150 - Bill issued by H. Roche for six copies of the book 'Russia'; examined by J. S. Clarke
151 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
152 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books and delivery; examined by J. S. Clarke
153 - Bill issued by Budd & Calkin for books purchased at Lord Heathfield's sale; examined by J. S. Clarke
154 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books and binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
155 - Bill and receipt issued by C. Hering for book binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
156 - Bill and receipt issued by John Barfield for book binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
157 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, book binding, and newspapers; examined by J. S. Clarke
158 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
159 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, book binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
160 - Bill and receipt issued by Robert H. Evans for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
161 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books and maps; examined by J. S. Clarke
162 - Letter from Benj[ami]n Jutsham to Mr. Hast enclosing a bill [missing] for books from Paris for the Prince Regent
163 - Bill and receipt issued by F. Benois for 'an atlas containing the ceremony of the Crowning of Bounapart [Bonaparte]' and another with 'the marriage of Maria Louisa'; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
164 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books and binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
165 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for a book (with a total for prints from April-May noted on the reverse); examined by J. S. Clarke
166 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books and packing materials; examined by J. S. Clarke
167 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, delivery, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
168 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
169 - Bill and receipt issued by E. Hering for book binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
170 - Letter from Geo[orge] Adams to General Bloomfield regarding books ordered by [George] Prince Regent from Robert Heathcote; with receipt and bill
171 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
172 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
173 - Bill and receipts for books and binding from Edward Jeffery; examined by J. S. Clarke
174 - Bill and receipt for the book 'Sacre Napoleon Bounaparte [Bonaparte]' from Sam[uel] Woodburn; examined by James Stanier Clarke
175 - Bill and receipt issued by W[illia]m Clarke for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
176 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, gilding, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
177 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
178 - Bill and receipt issued by Dalau & Co. for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
179 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, delivery, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
180 - Bill issued by R. H. Evans for Dalloway's Sussex Coloured Plates; examined by J. S. Clarke
181 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
182 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, portrait proofs, putting books away at Warwick House, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
183 - Bill and receipt issued by A. J. Valpy for books
184 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines and newspapers; examined by J. S. Clarke
185 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, plates, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
186 - Bill issued by Colnaghi & Co. for book binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
187 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines and newspapers; examined by J. S. Clarke
188 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [?Sir Benjamin Bloomfield] requesting payment of John Bellany, in [George] Prince Regent's name, for his intended publication of the books of 'Exodus' and 'Leviticus'
189 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, maps, packing and delivery, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
190 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
191 - Bill and receipt issued by A. Arrowsmith for books, maps, repairs, remounting and oiling map springs; examined by J. S. Clarke
192 - Letter from John Ballantyne to Mess[er]s Budd & Calkin requesting payment of [George] Prince Regent's bill for books; with receipt and bill examined by J. S. Clarke
193 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
194 - Bill and receipt issued by Eliza Hering for book binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
195 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, proofs, delivery and packing, binding, newspapers, magazines, cleaning and reorganising the library; examined by J. S. Clarke
196 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, vellum, binding, engravings, stationery, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
197 - Bill and receipt issued by Jane Stuart for books and binding; examined by J. S. Clarke
198 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
199 - Bill and receipt issued by A. Dry for books; examined by Benj[ami]n Jutsham
200 - Bill and receipt issued by E. Hering for books including 'Don Quixote'; examined by J. S. Clarke
201 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines and newspapers; examined by J. S. Clarke
202 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
203 - Bill and receipt issued by P. W. Tomkins for prints
204 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
205 - Bill issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
206 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
207 - Bill issued by A. J. Valpy for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
208 - Bill issued by A. J. Valpy for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
209 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
210 - Bill issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
211 - Bill issued by Budd & Calkin for books and binding
212 - Bill and receipt issued by E. Harding for prints
213 - Bill and receipt issued by Nornaville and Fell for books
214 - BiIl and receipt issued by E. Hering for bookbinding
215 - Bill issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
216 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, engravings, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
217 - Bill and receipt issued by Alexander Black for books
218 - Bill and receipt issued by John Barfield for a set of Nicholson's 'Architectural Dictionary'
219 - Bill and receipt issued by Dulau & Co. for books
220 - Bill and receipt from Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
221 - Bill and receipt from Budd & Calkin for books, binding, proofs, etchings, newspapers, magazines, delivery and printing; examined by J. S. Clarke
222 - Bill and receipt from Treuttel & Würtz & Co. for books
223 - Bill and receipt from John Porter for newspapers
224 - Abstract of bills for periodical publications for His Majesty's library, 1820
225 - Bill and receipt from William Armstrong for books, binding, delivery, etc.
226 - Bill and receipt issued by Rob[er]t Triphook for books
227 - Bill and receipt from George & William Nicol for newspapers, magazines, prints, and books
228 - Bill and receipt issued by Payne & Foss for books; examined by J. S. Clarke
229 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [?] regarding the payment of Dr. Andrew Halliday for 'The General History of the House of Guelph'; with receipt
230 - Bill and receipt issued by J. H. Bohte for books
231 - Bill and receipt issued by John Simco for books and binding
232 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [?] regarding payment of [Budd & Calkin] for books
233 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [?] regarding the payment of Reverend John Davies for 'Historic Prologues of Characters and Events from the Conquest to the Death of George the Third'; with receipt
234 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [?] regarding payment of Jos[ep]h Calkin [Budd & Calkin]; with receipt
235 - Bill and receipt from A. Arrowsmith for maps, mounting and delivery; examined by J. S. Clarke
236 - Bill and receipt from Budd & Calkin for books, binding, proofs, etchings, newspapers and magazines; examined by J. S. Clarke
237 - Bill and receipt from Nornaville & Fell for the 'Literary Advertiser' and 'Parliamentary Debates'
238 - Bill and receipt issued by J. Addison and Co. for an 18 inch terrestrial globe; examined by J. S. Clarke and with printed and illustrated price list [GEO/MAIN/28687]
239 - Letter from Fred[erick] Aug[ustus] Barnard to [?] regarding the establishment of a Royal Library
240 - Letter from Sir Herbert Taylor to [Frederick A. Barnard] regarding [His Majesty's] Library accounts
241 - Charges at the Royal Library at Carlton House and Buckingham House, 1821-1822; includes salaries and bills
242 - Annual salaries for the Royal Library at Buckingham House
243 - Letter from [?Robert Gray] to F. A. Barnard regarding payment of the Royal Library salaries
244 - List of yearly salaries [for the Royal Library] for the quarter to 5 April 1821; with receipts
245 - Letter from J. S. Clarke regarding payment of the Rev[eren]d [Solomon] Piggott for his book; with receipt
246 - Advertisement and letter from Solomon Piggott regarding his book 'The Reflector, or Anti-Infidel & Christian Pleader'
247 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, prints, engravings, newspapers, magazines, packing and delivery; examined by J. S. Clarke
248 - Bill and receipt issued by P.W. Tomkins for prints
249 - Bill and receipt issued by Charles Hering for books and weights; examined by Charles Sumner
250 - Letter from [Frederick Augusta] Barnard to [Robert Gray] regarding payments for periodicals for the Royal Library
251 - Bill and receipt issued by Rob[ert] Triphook for books
252 - Account and bill from Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines and prints; examined by J. S. Clarke
253 - Letter from F. A. Barnard to Robert Gray regarding a draft for the payment of bills
254 - Letter from [F. A.] Barnard to Robert Gray enclosing bills and receipts for periodicals for the year 1820
255 - Bill and receipt issued by E. Harding for prints
256 - Bill and receipt issued by Black, Young & Young for
257 - Letter from Geo[rge] Hogarth to Ja[me]s Stanier Clarke regarding the unpaid account of John Ballantyne for books and binding; with bill and receipt
258 - Bill and receipt issued by John Simco for books
259 - Bill and receipt issued by Dulau & Co. for books
260 - Bill and receipt issued by J. Calkin [Budd & Calkin] for books
261 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for Books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, packaging and delivery; examined by Charles Sumner
262 - Bill and receipt issued by W[illia]m Armstrong for stationary, books, binding, and magazines
263 - Abstract of bills for His Majesty's Library for the year 1821
264 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
265 - Bill and receipt issued by R. Ackermann for books
266 - Bill and receipt issued by Treuttel, Würtz, Treuttel Jun[io]r & Richter for books
267 - Bill and receipt issued by J. H .Bohte for books
268 - Bill and receipt issued by George and Wil[liam] Nicol for magazines, books, and newspapers
269 - Letter from Charles R. Sumner to [Joseph] Calkin regarding delivery of books and newspapers
270 - List of books at Carlton Palace [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/28734-28735]
271 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to Charles Sumner regarding [Solomon] Piggott and Mr Bicknell [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/28734-28735]
272 - Letter from Mrs. Charles Stothard to Budd and Calkin regarding payment for 'The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain'
273 - Bill and receipt issued by Anna C. Stothard (widow of Charles Stothard) for 'The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain'; examined by Charles R. Sumner
274 - Bill and receipt for the 'Royal Naval & Military Calendar'; examined by Charles R. Sumner
275 - Bill and receipt issued by Richard Clark for the book 'The Origin of God Save the King'
276 - Letter from J. S. Clarke to [Richard Clark] providing permission to list the King as a subscriber for the book 'The Origin of God Save the King'
277 - Letter from F. A. Barnard to Robert Gray regarding bills for the books at Buckingham House
278 - Letter from C. M. Fazy to [Benjamin] Bloomfield regarding a book subscription, with receipt; examined by Charles R. Sumner
279 - Bill and receipt issued by C. M. Fazy for the book 'Histoire De Russie'
280 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
281 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationary, and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
282 - Bill and receipt for the 'Brighton Herald'
283 - Summary of bills and receipts for Buckingham House Library salaries
284 - Bill issued by A. C. Stothard for prints; examined by Charles R. Sumner
285 - Bill and receipt issued by Black, Young & Young for books
286 - Bill and receipt issued by Treuttel & Würtz, Treuttel Jun[io]r & Richter for books
287 - Bill and receipt issued by Nornaville and Fell for books and periodicals
288 - Bill and receipt issued by Dulau & Co. for books
289 - Bill and receipt issued by John Simco for books [?and prints]
290 - Bill and receipt issued by E. Harding for a print of Princess Charlotte and a catalogue of pictures at Woburn
291 - Bill and receipt issued by George and Will[iam] Nicol for books, prints, magazines and newspapers
292 - Bills and receipt issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
293 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, engravings, packaging and delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
294 - Bill and receipt issued by William Armstrong for books, binding, magazines, newspapers, and prints
295 - Bill and letter issued by Thomas Allan & Co. for the 'Caledonian Mercury'; with receipt
296 - Letter from Fred[erick] Aug[ustus] Barnard to Robert Gray enclosing Royal Library salary receipts [GEO/MAIN/28771B-G]; with bill [GEO/MAIN/28771A]
297 - Abstract of Royal Library salaries, July 1822
298 - Bill and receipt issued by Black, Young & Young for books and prints
299 - Bill and receipt issued by Treuttel & Würtz, Treuttel Jun[io]r & Richter for books
300 - Bill and receipt issued by Geo[rge] and Will[iam] Nicol for books, newspapers, magazines and prints
301 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
302 - Bill and receipt issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
303 - Abstract of Bills for His Majesty's Library, Michaelmas 1822
304 - Bill and receipt issued by W[illia]m Armstrong for books, newspapers, delivery and library work
305 - Bill and receipt issued by T. Athow for [?prints]
306 - Bill and receipt issued by J. H. Bohte for books
307 - Bill and receipt issued by John Simco for books
308 - Summary of Royal Library salaries, 1822
309 - Bill and receipt issued by John Simco for books and prints
310 - Bill and receipt issued by Dulau & Co. for books
311 - Copy letter from F. A. Barnard to Robert Grey; with list of duplicate volumes in the Royal Library at Buckingham House
312 - Bill and receipt issued by Treuttel & Würtz, Treuttel Jun[io]r & Richter for books
313 - Bill and receipt issued by Black, Young & Young for books and prints
314 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspaper, magazines, prints, packaging, delivery, and cataloguing; examined by Charles R. Sumner
315 - Abstract of Bills for His Majesty's Library, Xmas quarter 1822
316 - Bill and receipt issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers
317 - Bill and receipt issued by Robert Triphook for books
318 - Bill and receipt issued by George & William Nicol for books, prints, newspapers and magazines
319 - Bill and receipt issued by W[illiam] Armstrong for book repairs, binding, books, magazines and delivery
320 - Bill and receipt issued by J. H. Bohte for books
321 - Abstract of Royal Library salaries, 1823
322 - Letter from to Robert Gray regarding presenting the Royal Library at Buckingham House to the British Nation; with franked envelope
323 - Draft letter from Robert Gray to Fred[eric]k Aug[ust]a Barnard regarding the presentation of the Royal Library at Buckingham House to the British Nation
324 - Summary of Royal Library salaries, 1822; with receipts
325 - Bill and invoice issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints and delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
326 - Letter from F. D. Danvers to F. A. Barnard returning Royal Library bills
327 - Bill and receipt issued by Jane Stuart for book binding; examined by Charles R. Sumner
328 - Bills and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines, newspapers, and delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
329 - Bills and receipt from Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines, newspapers, prints, packaging and delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
330 - Bills and receipt from Budd & Calkin for books, binding, magazines, newspapers, prints, packaging and delivery; examined by Charles R. Sumner
331 - Bill and receipt issued by Edward Jeffery & Son for 'Repton's Plans for Landscape gardening' and 'Improving Country Residences'
332 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, and maps; examined by Charles R. Sumner
333 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
334 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
335 - Receipt issued by L. F. von Kleist for prints; with translation
336 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
337 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
338 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
339 - Bill and receipt issued by Cha[rle]s Rice for Brenton's 'Naval History'; with letter from Charles Rice to Sir William Knighton requesting payment
340 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
341 - Letter from Charles R. Sumner to George Harrison regarding the removal of the King's private library from Buckingham House to Windsor
342 - Bill issued by A. Smith for the carriage of books from Buckingham House to Windsor Castle; examined by Charles R. Sumner [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/28845]
343 - Duplicate bill [of GEO/MAIN/28846] and receipt issued by A. Smith for carriage of books from Buckingham House to Windsor Castle
344 - Letter from J. Binns to Mr Harper regarding a map of Lancaster
345 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
346 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
347 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Charles R. Sumner
348 - Bill and receipt issued by Tho[ma]s Clay for two copies of 'Rangoon Work'
349 - Letter from Robert Manners White to Sir William Knighton regarding acknowledging George IV's subscription to his book 'Hydrophobia'
350 - Letter from John Hearne to Sir William Knighton requesting payment for prints; with receipt
351 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging
352 - Bill and receipt issued by Charles Knight for the newspapers 'Bucks Gazette' and 'Windsor and Eton Express'
353 - Letter from Edw[ar]d Brenton to Sir William Knighton regarding payment for his book 'Naval History'
354 - Bill and receipt issued by Edw[ar]d Brenton for his book 'Navel History'
355 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
356 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
357 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for cases, stationery, and books
358 - Letter from Sir William Knighton to [?] regarding payment [?of J. Binns]
359 - Letter from J. Binns to F[rederic]k Dawes Danvers enclosing a receipt for the map of Lancaster
360 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
361 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
362 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
363 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
364 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, stationery, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
365 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for binding and cases
366 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
367 - Bill and receipt issued by Budd & Calkin for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
368 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, printing, stationary, prints, delivery, packaging and cleaning the library; examined by Robert Gooch
369 - Bill and receipt issued by Thomas Gillam for Lambert's '[A Description of the] Genus Pinus'
370 - Advertisement for Alymer Bourke Lambert's book 'A Description of the Genus Pinus'
371 - Bill and receipt from 'The Berkshire Chronicle, Windsor Herald, and Forest, Vale and General Advertiser' for newspapers
372 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
373 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for book binding, pocket books, and cases
374 - Letter from Sir Andrew Halliday to Sir William Knighton regarding his petition for payment [?enclosed GEO/MAIN/28918]
375 - Bill issued by Andrew Halliday for costs incurred in the publication of the 'Annals of the House of Hanover' [?enclosure of GEO/MAIN/28916-28917]
376 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, stationery, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
377 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
378 - Bill and receipt issued by Sir Frederick Barnard for expenses incurred packing and distributing the catalogue of the Royal Library
379 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, stationery, magazines, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
380 - Bill and receipt issued by John Porter for newspapers
381 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, stationery, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by Robert Gooch
382 - Bill issued by John Murray for books and examined by Robert Gooch; with receipt issued by Jos[ep]h Calkin [of Calkin & Budd]
383 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, newspapers, magazines, prints, delivery, and packaging; examined by William Macmichael
384 - Bill and receipt issued by M. A. Pittman for 'The Sporting Magazine'; examined by Jos[ep]h Calkin [of Calkin & Budd]
385 - Bill and receipt issued by Jones & Yarrell for newspapers; examined by Tho[ma]s Marrable
386 - Bill and receipt issued by Calkin & Budd for books, binding, stationery, newspapers, magazines, and prints; examined by W[illia]m Macmichael
387 - Bill and receipt issued by Thomas Allan & Co. for the 'Caledonian Mercury' newspaper
388 - Bill and receipt from the 'Brighton Herald'; with letter from W. Fleet to F[rederic]k Dawes Danvers regarding payment
389 - Bill and receipt issued by Samuel Burgess for a copy of 'Coronation Anecdotes'
390 - Letter from [Samuel] Burgess to Calkin and Budd regarding a copy of 'Coronation Anecdotes'
391 - Bill and receipt issued by J. W. Bennet for the book 'Fishes of Ceylon'; examined by W[illia]m Macmichael and with receipt issued by Calkin & Budd
392 - Bill and receipt from Bossange, Barthe's & Lorvell for books
393 - Receipt from John Whittaker for a work on George IV's coronation
394 - Letter from Reilly, Knott & Reilly to F. B. Watson regarding payment of their enclosed bill [GEO/MAIN/28956]
395 - Bill and receipt issued by Reilly, Knott & Reilly for prints
396 - Letter from J. H. Glover to Sir William Knighton regarding payment of Black, Young & Young for books
397 - Letter from Black, Young & Young to J. H. Glover regarding payment of the bill [GEO/MAIN/28959]
398 - Bill and receipt issued by Black, Young & Young for books
7 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for music, His Majesty's Private Band, guns, fishing tackle, toys, telescopes, opera glasses, billiard cues etc.
8 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for his wardrobe, spurs, swords and regimental colours
9 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts pensions, donations and subscriptions
10 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for rates, taxes and insurance
11 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for legal expenses; with deeds
12 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for miscellaneous expenses
13 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for debts etc.
14 - George IV's miscellaneous Privy Purse Accounts
15 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for household bills and expenses for himself, Caroline, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte of Wales
16 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Brighton Pavilion
17 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties
18 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for properties in Windsor, Bagshot, Richmond, Kew etc.
19 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Carlton House
20 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties: Hanover and various small estates
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