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Collapse GIVBILLS - George IV's Privy Purse AccountsGIVBILLS - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts
Expand 1 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to furniture, lustres, clocks and linens1 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to furniture, lustres, clocks and linens
Expand 2 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to carriages, harnesses, parks, farms, gardens, the menagerie at Sandpit Gate, bell-ringing and gun-firing, horses and racing2 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts relating to carriages, harnesses, parks, farms, gardens, the menagerie at Sandpit Gate, bell-ringing and gun-firing, horses and racing
Expand 3 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for goldsmith (jewellery) bills 3 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for goldsmith (jewellery) bills
Expand 4 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for china and glass4 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for china and glass
Expand 5 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for the purchase of prints, enamels, and statuary5 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for the purchase of prints, enamels, and statuary
Expand 6 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for books, newspapers, prints, stationery, and purchases for the Royal Library6 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for books, newspapers, prints, stationery, and purchases for the Royal Library
Collapse 7 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for music, His Majesty's Private Band, guns, fishing tackle, toys, telescopes, opera glasses, billiard cues etc. 7 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for music, His Majesty's Private Band, guns, fishing tackle, toys, telescopes, opera glasses, billiard cues etc.
1 - Bill issued by William Napier for the supply of sheet music, violin strings and copies of compositions by Hayden and Bach etc. and receipt.
2 - Bill issued by James Fraser for the binding of volumes of overtures etc.
3 - Bill issued by Robert Stodart for supplying a grand piano inlayed with feathers (presumably those of the Prince of Wales)
4 - Bill issued by Robert Horne for supplying a large bass drum painted with the badge of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons.
5 - Bill issued by Cox and Greenwood to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, purchase of musical instruments etc., covers June-October 1796.
6 - Bill issued by H Pick for the purchase of sheet music, which include military marches, with receipt.
7 - Bill issued by Cox and Greenwood to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers January - April 1800.
8 - Bill issued by Cox and Greenwood to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers October 1800 - January 1801.
9 - Bill issued by F Eley for supplying sheet music, with receipt.
10 - Two bills issued by William Griffiths for teaching Joseph Clarke the violin, with receipt.
11 - Bill issued by Cox, Greenwood and Cox to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers October 1801 - January 1802.
12 - Two bills issued by William Forster for the repairing and manufacture of musical instruments, with receipt.
13 - Bill issued by Mr H Pick for the supply of sheet music, with receipt.
14 - Bill issued by F Eley for supplying sheet music, with receipt
15 - Bill issued by Thomas Walker for supplying sheet music, with receipts
16 - Bill issued by Cox, Greenwood and Cox to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers October 1802 - January 1803.
17 - Bill issued by Charles Brandt for the cleaning and repair of a mechanical organ, with receipt
18 - Letter from Cox, Greenwood and Cox to Robert Gray reporting on the outstanding bill of the Prince of Wales as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoon.
19 - Bill issued by Mr H Pick for the supply of sheet music, with receipt
20 - Bill issued by Cox, Greenwood and Cox to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers January - April 1803.
21 - Bill issued by Cox, Greenwood and Cox to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers January - April 1804.
22 - Bill issued by Christian Kellner for the supply of sheet music, with receipt
23 - Bill issued by J Jouve for the supply of sheet music, with receipt
24 - Bill issued by Greenwood and Cox to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers October 1804 - January 1805.
25 - Bill issued by Mr H Pick for the supply of sheet music, with receipt
26 - Quarterly account for the Prince of Wales' Private Band, covering January 1806 - April 1806
27 - Quarterly account for the Prince of Wales' Band covering October 1805 - January 1806
28 - Bill issued by Edward Jones for the supply of music books
29 - Letter from Greenwood and Cox to Robert Gray forwarding the outstanding balance due them in respect of the role of the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons
30 - Bill issued by Mr B Sperati for supplying sheet music (Beethoven)
31 - Bill issued for the expenses incurred by Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales] for a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?]
32 - Quarterly account for the Prince of Wales' Private Band covering January - April 1807
33 - Bill issued for the expenses incurred by Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales] for a recent trip to Brighton (Pavilion?), with receipt
34 - Bill issued by John Lincoln for the dismantling and rebuilding of an organ and transporting it from Brighton to London.
35 - Quarterly account for the Prince of Wales' Private Band covering October 1807 - January 1808.
36 - Bill issued by Charles Griesbach for the composition of three Military divertimentos, with receipt
37 - Bill issued for the expenses incurred by Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales] for a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?], with receipt
38 - Bill issued by R Jones for the manufacture of a six octave upright grand piano in a black ebony case.
39 - Bill issued by John Lincoln for his work on the organ at Brighton Pavilion, with receipt
40 - Quarterly account for the Prince of Wales' Private Band covering October 1808 - January 1809
41 - Bill issued by Cianchettini and Sperati for the supply of classical sheet music
42 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Bloomfield to Robert Gray concerning the Prince of Wales' decision to discontinue the Chamber Band
43 - Letter from James Holmes to Robert Gray concerning his recent dimissal from the Chamber Band, and asking for his outstanding salary to be paid
44 - Bill issued for the expenses incurred by Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales] for a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?], with receipt
45 - Bill issued by Edward Jones for the supply of music books, which were sent to Carlton House.
46 - Bill issued for the supply of volumes of Pucitta's Periodical work, which were delivered to Carlton House
47 - Bill issued for the expenses incurred by Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales] for a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?], with receipt
48 - Quarterly account for the Prince Regent's' Private Band covering January - April 1812
49 - Bill showing money owed by the Duchess of York to several musicians, with various receipts
50 - Quarterly account for the Prince Regent's Private Band covering January - April 1813
51 - Bill issued by Greenwood, Cox and Co. to the Prince of Wales, as Colonel of the 10th Regiment of the Light Dragoons, for expenses incurred by the band, salaries etc., covers February 1812 - July 1813.
52 - Quarterly account for the Prince Regent's Private Band covering January to April 1814
Expand 53 - Correspondence with Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince Regent] concerning expenses incurred by him on a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?]53 - Correspondence with Charles Wesley [Organist in Ordinary to the Prince Regent] concerning expenses incurred by him on a recent trip to Brighton [Pavilion?]
54 - Quarterly account for the Prince Regent's Private Band covering January - April 1815
55 - Bill issued by Greenwood, Cox and Co. showing the outstanding balance owed by the Prince Regent for expenses of the band
56 - Bill issued by Sebastian Erard for the manufacture of a harp, with receipt
57 - Bill issued by Mott, Mott and Co. for the manufacture of pianos, to be sent to Windsor and Brighton Pavilion, with receipt
58 - Two bills issued by Thomas Tomkison, the first for the transportation, tuning and repair of two grand pianos at Brighton, and the second for the manufacture of a rosewood grand piano and the cost of transporting it to Brighton Pavillion, with receipt.
59 - Letter from R.I. Harper to Robert Gray inquiring if Mr William Forster, musical instrument maker, may have permission to address to the King his intended reproduction of Allan Ramsey's Scotch Songs
Expand 60 - Bills issued by H Smart for the manufacture of pianos for King George IV, with receipt60 - Bills issued by H Smart for the manufacture of pianos for King George IV, with receipt
61 - Bill issued by Christian Kramer for expenses incurred by a quadrille band [Michael Weisspert and two assistants] for their recent attendance at His Majesty's Cottage, with receipt
62 - Bill issued by Chappell and Co. for supplying harp strings, music stools, cases, sheet music, pianoforte tuning and carriage to Windsor
63 - Bill issued by Chappell and Co. for supplying sheet music, hire of a harp base and tuning a pianoforte
64 - Bill issued by Greenwood, Cox and Co. for expenses incurred by His Majesty's Private Band
65 - Abstract of outstanding bills for the supply of musical instruments
66 - Bill issued by Isaac Cooper for supplying clothing for His Majesty's Band, with receipt
67 - Bill issued by H Griesbach for tuning and moving of His Majesty's pianos at Windsor Castle, with receipt
Expand 68 - Correspondence with Greenwood, Cox and Co. concerning His Majesty's Private Band68 - Correspondence with Greenwood, Cox and Co. concerning His Majesty's Private Band
69 - Bill issued by Charles Frederick Horn for the lessons given to Lady Maria Conyngham and the supply of sheet music, with receipt
70 - Bill issued by H.L. Goertz for two rosewood cylinder bookstands, with receipt
71 - Bill issued by H. Griesbach for tuning pianofortes at the King's Lodge, Windsor Park, with receipt and covering letter
72 - Bill issued by Chappell and Co. for the supply of music and musical instruments, with receipt
73 - Letter from Samuel Chappell and Francis Tatton Latour announcing that their partnership has been dissolved and therefore requesting that any outstanding bills owed to the firm of Chappell and Co. should be settled as soon as possible.
74 - Bill issued by I Willis and Co. for supplying a barrel organ, fluke stop and chinese harmonica, with receipt
Expand 75 - Correspondence with William Baker concerning an outstanding bill owed to Richard Dredge [Bookseller, Bookbinder and Stationer]75 - Correspondence with William Baker concerning an outstanding bill owed to Richard Dredge [Bookseller, Bookbinder and Stationer]
76 - List of His Majesty's Private Band, their pay, emoluments, servitude, families etc
77 - Note recording suggestions for ameliorating the conditions of His Majesty's Private Band
78 - Statement of His Majesty's Band issued by Greenwood, Cox and Co. for expenses, covering April - July 1827
79 - Letter from C Kramer to Sir Andrew Barnard explaining that he has paid the musicians who performed at a concert on 15 May 1828, and sends a list of their names and receipts of payment.
80 - Quarterly account for His Majesty's Private Band Account covering October 1828 - January 1829
81 - Correspondence between Thomas Broadwood and Sir Frederick Watson concerning his role as executor for William Shield, Master of His Majesty's Band and the latter's wish to bequest his viola to the King
Expand 82 - Correspondence with Greenwood, Cox and Co. regarding expense accounts for His Majesty's Private Band82 - Correspondence with Greenwood, Cox and Co. regarding expense accounts for His Majesty's Private Band
83 - Bill issued by Samuel Chappell for the supply of musical scores, with receipt
84 - Bill issued by James C Bishop for the repair and transport of an organ from the Chapel Royal and also repairing an organ at Windsor in 1828
85 - Bill issued by John Manton for the manufacture of guns and gun parts
86 - Bill issued by William Fraser for a pedometer in a gilt case with a compass, with receipt
87 - Two bills issued by George Adams for the supply of medical equipment and accessories
88 - Bill issued by William Clark for a double barrel gun with gold pans and touch holes and gun case, with receipt
89 - Bill issued by F.C. Walsh for a travelling medicinal cabinet, with receipt
90 - Bill issued by George Mellor for the manufacture of a twisted double barrel gun with gold pans and touch holes, with receipt
91 - Bill issued by Samuel Brunn for supplying two single guns, a hilt and scabbard and a Turkish Sabre Blade, a gold sword knot and labour costs, with receipt
92 - Bill issued by Henry Tatham for a German rifle, a Spanish sword, an old English sword, a silver mounted gun and a dress sword, with receipt
93 - Bill issued by Samuel Brunn for nails, gun barrel, locks, stocks, gun case with powder flask, steel pistol and magazine, with receipt
94 - Bill issued Samuel Staudenmayer for the manufacture of a double barrel gun
95 - Bill issued by John Prosser for the supply of guns and swords, with receipt
96 - Bill issued by Jesse Ramsden for the supply of mathematical and optical instruments, including telescopes, opera glasses and thermometers, with receipt
97 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns and gun parts, with receipt
98 - Two bills issued by John Manton for the supply of gun parts, with receipt
99 - Bill issued by G Rassau for the supply of a rifle
100 - Bill issued by James Gregory for various items including toys, tea caddies, tooth picks and a bugle horn, with receipt
101 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns and gun parts, with receipt
102 - Bill issued by Joseph Manton for the manufacture of a gun, with receipt
103 - Bill issued by J Rotton for various items including engraved razors, engraved soap dishes and corkscrews, with receipt
104 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for the manufacture of toys, with receipt
105 - Bill issued by W Green for the manufacture of [walking?] sticks, with receipt
106 - Bill issued by J Rotton for various items including razors and razor cases
107 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns and gun parts, with receipt
108 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for the manufacture of toys, with receipt
109 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns and gun parts
110 - Bill issued by William Beckwith for the supply of a 'curious old gun ornamented with gold and silver very curiously carved'
111 - Bill issued by Wigley and Company for the supply of toys, including an 'Infant Library', with a receipt
112 - Bill issued by Dabora Gregory for various items including toiletries, bathing accessories, linaments, toys etc, with receipt
113 - Bill issued by Debora Gregory for various items including toiletries, scents, salts and bathing accessories, toy ships etc., with receipt
114 - Bill issued by G. Betts for making a dressed wax doll with stand, with receipt
115 - Bill issued by Samuel Staudenmayer for repair of an air gun walking stick, a pair of military pistols with brass pans, a single pistol, hammers and box, with note of receipt
116 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for various items including a leather doll, a rocking horse, stationery, books, shuttlecocks etc., with receipt
117 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for various items including battle toys, a toy grocery shop, and various dolls etc.
118 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns
119 - Bill issued by Dudley Adams for supplying opera glasses and opera bell etc.
120 - Bill issued by Matthew Berge for the supply of spectacles and opera glasses
121 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for the various items including dolls and a pocket globe of the world
122 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of guns, gun parts and bullets including the repair of the guns and gun parts
123 - Bill issued by M Solomon for the supply of a Foreign Blunderbuss, with receipt
124 - Bill issued by John Cuthbertson for repairing an electrical machine and a leyden jar, with receipt
125 - Bill issued by Henry Yackell for the manufacture of pistols, with receipt
126 - Bill issued by Charles Wigley for the supply of various items including dominoes and board games etc.
127 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of guns, gun parts and bullets including the repair of the guns and gun parts
128 - Bill issued by A Loriot for the manufacture of two sets of theatrical figures (including a Punch, a Joan, a Devil and a Mother Goose), games and dumb bells
129 - Bill issued Samuel Staudenmayer for the manufacture and repair of air guns
130 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the maufacture and repair of guns, gun parts.
131 - Bill issued by Thomas Gray for the supply of a pair of spectacles in a mother of pearl mount
132 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of two muskets
133 - Bill issued by Robert Bradberry for the manufacture of opera glasses and spectacles
134 - Bill issued by F Burzio for the manufacture of two canes, with receipt
135 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of two pistols and the supply of a second hand gun
136 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of gun and gun parts, with receipt
137 - Bill issued by Thomas Gray for various items including satin wallets and an ebony inkstand, with receipt
138 - Bill issued by John Harcourt for the manufacture of a double barrelled gun and case, with receipt and accompanying letter
139 - Bill issued by Robert Bradberry for supplying glasses, with receipt
140 - Documents concerning money advanced to Baron Pfeiletzer in repayment for charges incurred on the importation of billiards cues presented to the Prince Regent, including receipt
141 - Bill issued by Frederic Fatton for providing a small chronometer by Breguet (no. 2760), with receipt
142 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of gun and gun parts, with receipt
143 - Bill issued by Joseph Manton for the manufacture of two detonating guns and gun cases, with receipt.
144 - Bill issued by Benjamin Barth for supplying sticks, canes and riding canes, with receipt
145 - Bill issued by W Reeves for the manufacture of a fowling piece [shotgun], a rifle and a pair of pistols all in a mahogany case, with receipt
146 - Bill issued by Robert Bradberry for supplying glasses and glasses case, with receipt
147 - Bill issued by George Strubell for supplying a case with a pair of pistols, with receipt
148 - Receipt paid by Admiral Sir George Campbell for a 3ft plated telescope in a mahogany box
149 - Receipt paid for a 3ft silver plated sea telescope
150 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of gun and gun parts, with receipt
151 - Bill issued by J. Slons [or Slous] for a chinese gun
152 - Bill issued by Matthew Berge for the manufacture and repair of thermometers
153 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of gun and gun parts, with receipt
154 - Bill issued by Samuel Staudenmayer for repairing and cleaning an Austrian air gun and a German air gun, with receipt
155 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for two pistols with fitted bayonets and base, two double shot pocket pistols, and gunpowder, with receipt
156 - Bill issued by D. Davis for a dragons blood cane with chased gold head, the property of the late Duke of Marlborough, with receipt
157 - Bill issued by Worthington and Allan (for the late M Berge), for a thermometer in a mahogany frame, with receipt
158 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for alterations to two double guns given to King of Nopookee and Prince of Ranghee Noo, New Zealand, gun cleaning and gun parts etc., with receipt
159 - Bill issued by William Hawks Grice for a thermometer and opera glasses, with receipt
160 - Bill listing expenses incurred by Benjamin Jutsham on behalf of the King, including purchasing an Asiatic gun bought at sale, with receipt
161 - Bill issued by Charles Brandt for the manufacture of a gun with an Asiatic barrel, with receipt
162 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for a pair of pistols, bullet moulds, gun case, gun parts, musket balls and cannister powder, with receipt
163 - Bill issued by William Hawkes Grice for the manufacture of an achromatic opera glass with the body inlaid with fine gold, with receipt
164 - Bill issued by C Buckholtz for the manufacture of a Turkish Damascus Barrel gun, with receipt
165 - Bill issued by H. G. Horneman for the repair and cleaning of pistols, which appears to have been paid by C Buckholtz as there is reference to this in his own bill [see GEO/MAIN/29170]
166 - Bill issued by C Buckholtz for a payment made to Mr Horneman [see GEO/MAIN/29169], packing of swords and scouring and washing a pair of Prussian Soldiers pantaloons by order of the Duke of Cumberland.
167 - Bill issued by Benjamin Barth for the manufacture and repair of umbrellas, umbrella stands and walking sticks, with receipt
168 - Bill issued by J. Bramah and Sons for the purchase of locks, pens and scissors etc., with receipt.
169 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker for the manufacture of guns and gun parts, with receipt
170 - Bill issued by William Hawkes Grice for a case of silver drawing instruments, with receipt
171 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture and repair of guns
172 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture of pistols and case, with receipt
173 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture of guns and gun cases, with receipt
174 - Bill issued by William Daniel for the manufacture of paper knife, thermometers and pencils etc., with receipt
175 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for the manufacture, repair and cleaning of guns and gun parts, with receipt
176 - Bill issued by F Watkins and W Hill for the manufacture of an ivory double register thermometer and a magnet, with receipt
177 - Bill issued by Benjamin Barth for the manufacture and repair of umbrellas and walking sticks, with receipt
178 - Bill issued by Benjamin Barth for the manufacture and repair of umbrellas and walking sticks, with receipt
179 - Bill issued by Bradberry and Co. for the manufacture of spectacles, with receipt
180 - Bill issued by Joseph Egg for the manufacture of a gun and gun case, with receipt
181 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker and Son for the manufacture of three blunderbusses and gun parts, with receipt
182 - Bill issued by Thomas Waring for bows, arrows, targets and accessories, with receipt
183 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker and Son for gun alterations and cleaning, gunpowder and gun parts
184 - Bills issued by Ezekiel Baker and Son for the manufacture of guns, gun parts and accessories, undertaking alterations and repairs etc., with receipt
185 - Bill issued by Durs Egg for undertaking gun repairs, cleaning and alterations, and for supplying gun accessories and parts, with receipt
186 - Bill issued by Charles Piper for undertaking gun repairs and cleaning, and for supplying gun parts with receipt
187 - Bill issued by Maria Ustonson [widow of Onesimous Ustonson] for supplying fishing rods, lines, fishing accessories and bait, with receipt
188 - Bill issued by Ezekiel Baker and Son for undertaking gun cleaning and alterations, and supplying gun parts and accessories, with receipt
189 - Bill issued by Charles Piper for undertaking gun cleaning, alterations and repairs, supplying gun parts etc. with receipt
190 - Bills issued by Charles Piper for undertaking gun cleaning and repairs and supplying gun parts, with receipt
191 - Bill issued by Alder and Son for toys sent to the Royal Lodge, Windsor
192 - Bill issued by Alder and Son for toys sent to Windsor Castle, with receipt
193 - Bill issued by Alder and Son for toys sent to Windsor Castle.
194 - Bill issued by R. Ordway for a supplying a rocking horse, with accessories, and toys
195 - Bill issued by Charles Wayte for supplying various toys, with receipt
196 - Bill issued by Charles Wayte for supplying various toys, with receipt
197 - Bill issued by Benjamin Barth for supplying and repairing canes and umbrellas, with receipt
198 - Bill issued by Bradberry and Co. for supplying opera glasses, spectacles, a camera lucida and lenses, with receipt
199 - Bill issued by G. and C. Dixey for supplying spectacles, eye pieces, lenses, cases etc.
200 - Bill issued by Worthington and Allan for the manufacture of a barometer and a thermometer with case, with receipt
201 - Bill issued by R.B. Bate for supplying spectacles, eyeglasses, pebble lenses, cases etc, with receipt
Expand 8 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for his wardrobe, spurs, swords and regimental colours8 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for his wardrobe, spurs, swords and regimental colours
Expand 9 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts pensions, donations and subscriptions9 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts pensions, donations and subscriptions
Expand 10 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for rates, taxes and insurance10 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for rates, taxes and insurance
Expand 11 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for legal expenses; with deeds11 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for legal expenses; with deeds
Expand 12 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for miscellaneous expenses12 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for miscellaneous expenses
Expand 13 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for debts etc.13 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for debts etc.
Expand 14 - George IV's miscellaneous Privy Purse Accounts14 - George IV's miscellaneous Privy Purse Accounts
Expand 15 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for household bills and expenses for himself, Caroline, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte of Wales15 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for household bills and expenses for himself, Caroline, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte of Wales
Expand 16 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Brighton Pavilion16 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Brighton Pavilion
Expand 17 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties17 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties
Expand 18 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for properties in Windsor, Bagshot, Richmond, Kew etc.18 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for properties in Windsor, Bagshot, Richmond, Kew etc.
Expand 19 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Carlton House19 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for Carlton House
Expand 20 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties: Hanover and various small estates20 - George IV's Privy Purse Accounts for residences and properties: Hanover and various small estates
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