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GIV_CALENDAR - George IV Calendar as Prince, Regent and King
1 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince of Wales
1766-1780 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1766-1780
1781 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1781
1782 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1782
1783 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1783
1784 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1784
1785 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1785
1786 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1786
1787 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1787
1788 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1788
1789 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1789
1790 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1790
1791 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1791
1792 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1792
1793 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1793
1794 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1794
1795 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1795
1796 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1796
1 - Letter from the Princess of Orange to George, Prince of Wales, on the birth of his daughter Princess Charlotte
2 - Address by the City Remembrancer to Lord Cholmondeley on behalf of the City of London on the birth of Princess Charlotte
3 - Letter from Captain Payne to George, Prince of Wales, on returning the Prince's papers, including a parcel of letters from Mrs [Anna Maria] Crouch
4 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor requesting his presence at five o'clock
5 - Letter from Lord Moira to Colonel McMahon on arguing against a declaration in the House of Lords on the expediency of making peace [with Revolutionary France]
6 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor on his Petition of Right for the arrears of the Duchy of Cornwall, as a means of paying debts
7 - Letter from Lady Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on Lord Cholmondeley intending to call on Captain Payne, and acquainting the Princess of Wales with the reason why the Prince has not seen her that day
8 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor on clarifying his request for assistance regarding his claim for the Duchy arrears
9 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Queen on his wish to show her the papers between himself and the Commissioners, and the expectation of an execution in the House the next day
10 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor, requesting his attendance at Carlton House at 11 o'clock the next day
11 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to [the Lord Chancellor], on waiting for the Chancellor at Carlton House
12 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to [the Lord Chancellor]
13 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor, requesting him to call at Carlton House that day, prior to the Prince's audience with the King the next morning
14 - Letters from Sir John Macpherson to George, Prince of Wales on previous letters regarding foreign politics written to the Prince; his satisfaction with his travels in Europe; and his wish that his [political] knowledge will prove interesting and useful to the Prince
15 - Letter from Lord Malmesbury to George, Prince of Wales, advising the Prince against parting from Caroline, Princess of Wales
16 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Lord Malmesbury, on Malmesbury's letter advising him against a separation from Caroline, Princess of Wales
17 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on meeting Lord Thurlow at Carlton House the next day
18 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor, on his fear of a delay in a business of serious consequence to himself, and concerns regarding the Lord Chancellor's health
19 - Estimate of Henry Holland of the repairs needing to be done at the Grange
20 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Orange-Nassau, to George, Prince of Wales, on his departure from England; and his position in the Imperial Army
21 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on enclosing a [?letter] from Lord Thurlow; and his excuses for not attending Mrs Vanneck's the previous evening
22 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, on his relationship with Lady Jersey; the Princess's Household; and the state of their marriage
23 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, on the Princess treating her Ladies [including Lady Jersey] equally; and the impropriety of her appeal to the Duke and Princess Sophia of Gloucester
24 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Lord Cholmondeley, on the 'unpleasant' correspondence between the Prince and Caroline, Princess of Wales
25 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, on her wish for him to define in writing the terms 'upon which we are to live'
26 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, on his wish to live in harmony with the Princess, and proposing conditions for her to accept or reject
27 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to the Lord Chancellor on proceeding with his claim for the arrears of the Duchy of Cornwall
28 - Letter from Lord Jersey to George III, on his and Lady Jersey's honour; and requesting an audience with the King
29 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Orange-Nassau to George, Prince of Wales on the military situation in Italy; and the Brigade under his command
30 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, on the impossibility of removing Lady Jersey from the Princess's Household
31 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to George III, on the necessity of a separation from Caroline, Princess of Wales
32 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Queen Charlotte on writing to the King regarding a separation from Caroline, Princess of Wales; and the need for the truth to be known
33 - Letter from George III to George, Prince of Wales, on the Prince's wish to separate from Caroline, Princess of Wales
34 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Queen Charlotte, on the reception of Princess Caroline at the Opera; the 'principal ringleaders'; and the damage to his reputation
35 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to George III, on a paragraph in the True Britton [criticising Queen Charlotte's treatment of Princess Caroline]
36 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to George III on being unable to follow his advice regarding a separation from Caroline, Princess of Wales, and the damage to his reputation
37 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Queen Charlotte, on the danger posed by Princess Caroline, and requesting an account of her visit to Queen's House; and of [Lord] Malmesbury's audience with the King
38 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on attending him the next day with a message from the Speaker [Henry Addington]; and Tyrwhitt's fidelity and affection for the Prince
39 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on his conversation with Lord Loughborough; and Princess Caroline's request for Moira to attend her the next day
40 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on his audience with Caroline, Princess of Wales, and her expressions of attachment to the Prince
41 - Letter from George III to George, Prince of Wales, on the improper publications in the True Briton and the delicacy of the liberty of the Press; and the meeting between the Earl of Moira and the Lord Chancellor
42 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on seeing Princess Caroline again that evening; informing Lady Jersey of how matters are progressing; and Tyrwhitt's note causing the Prince uneasiness
43 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Queen Charlotte on his despair [relating to Caroline, Princess of Wales] and suggesting suicide
44 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to George III, on the insincerity of Princess Caroline's conduct and the reduced likelihood of an accommodation
45 - Letter from [Richard Brinsley] Sheridan to George, Prince of Wales, on his anxiety for the Prince's honour and happiness; and his readiness to obey the Prince's commands
46 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to [Richard Brinsley] Sheridan, on his present resolve to avoid ministerial and private discussion, and therefore declining to see him
47 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales on his audience with Caroline, Princess of Wales and her misunderstanding regarding Lady Jersey
48 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales on being prevented from receiving the commands of Princess Caroline until later that evening
49 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on being unable to dine with the Prince due to business
50 - Letter from Queen Charlotte to George, Prince of Wales, on the Prince's refusal of Mr Scheridan [Sheridan]
51 - Statement of George, Prince of Wales, to Lord Moira, on his feelings and resolutions regarding Caroline, Princess of Wales
52 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on a person 'repeating & propagating every evil report' from Carlton House; and mentioning a certain subject to Caroline, Princess of Wales
53 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on his audience with Caroline, Princess of Wales, and the Prince's message regarding Lady Jersey
54 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on postponing his audience with the King; seeing Princess Caroline that evening; and waiting on the Prince the next day
55 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on Princess Caroline's reflection on Moira's propositions; on attacks against the Prince in the press; and on postponing Moira's audience with the King
56 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on his visit to the Duke of York and the Duke's opinion against dismissing Miss Lacost [La Coast or Laccoast] and Mrs Fitzroy
57 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on the Duke of York meeting with the Prince to discuss his conversation with the King [regarding Princess Caroline]
58 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on 'cruel' treatment of the Prince in the newspapers; and the King's just opinions on the matter [of Princess Caroline]
59 - Letter from George III to George, Prince of Wales, on a reconciliation between the Prince and Caroline, Princess of Wales
60 - Letter from George, Prince of Wales, to Lord Moira, on a misunderstanding by the King of the Prince's statement regarding Princess Caroline
61 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on waiting on him at nine o'clock that evening
62 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on the unsatisfactory manner in which Princess Caroline received the Prince's letter
63 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on the need for the Prince to give no pretext for any further disagreement with Princess Caroline, so that any new 'breach' will be her fault
64 - Letter from Captain Payne to George, Prince of Wales, on his dismissal as Keeper of the Prince's Privy Seal and Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall
65 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on the Duke of Queensbury's demand, and a way of not involving the Prince's Privy Purse
66 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on the unauthorised use of his name by [Herbert] Croft; and on the Prince's conduct towards Princess Caroline being dependent on her own behaviour
67 - Letter from Robert Gray to Captain Payne, on settling his final account, and requesting his signature for the two salaries of Secretary and Auditor, and the return of the Fly Press for the Seal
68 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on acquainting Princess Caroline with the Prince's commands regarding Miss Goldsworthy and taking a villa for Princess Charlotte
69 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales on the Prince's claim for the arrears of the Duchy of Cornwall
70 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Orange to George, Prince of Wales, on the military situation; and his hopes that [Princess Mary] will not forget him
71 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on his conversation with Mr Churchill; and comments by Tyrwhitt concerning an intimate friend of the Prince
72 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on the Duke of St Albans' refusal to be a tenant for the Grainge; and the poor condition of game at Houghton
73 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on the rules regarding who is permitted to attend the parties of Caroline, Princess of Wales
74 - Letter from William Dalrymple to George, Prince of Wales, on the Prince giving up the Grainge, and Dalrymple's pain on learning that the Prince disapproved of his actions [?in managing the Grainge]
75 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on the appointment of Miss [Jane] Colman [as woman of the bedchamber to Caroline, Princess of Wales]
76 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on Lord Lonsdale's intention of taking the Grainge; and bills required to be paid in this quarter
77 - Letter from Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince of Wales, on the capture of the Dutch Admiral, Admiral Lucas, with vessels and cargo, by Admiral Elphinstone whilst at Table Bay [South Africa]
78 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales on his authorisation regarding 'Blue Aprons' Masonic appointments; visiting Monsieur [Comte d'Artois]; and on public opinion towards the Prince in Ireland
79 - Letter from Major-General John St Leger to Colonel John McMahon on arriving at the Cape of Good Hope; his regard for [General Sir James Henry] Craig; and the ill health of [Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Grey]
80 - Letter from Lord Moira to George, Prince of Wales, on the Prince's [ill health] and Moira's intentions of calling on him on Saturday
81 - Letter from Frederick, Prince of Orange, to George, Prince of Wales, on the Siege of Kehl; and a rumoured expedition [of French forces] from Brest to Ireland
82 - Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to George, Prince of Wales, on dining with him this evening
1797 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1797
1798 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1798
1799 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1799
1800 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1800
1801 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1801
1802 - George, Prince of Wales Calendar papers for 1802
1803 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1803
1804 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1804
1805 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1805
1806 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1806
1807 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1807
1808 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1808
1809 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1809
1810 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1809
1811 - George, Prince of Wales, Calendar papers for 1811
2 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince Regent
3 - George IV Calendar papers as King
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