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Collapse GIV_CALENDAR - George IV Calendar as Prince, Regent and KingGIV_CALENDAR - George IV Calendar as Prince, Regent and King
Expand 1 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince of Wales1 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince of Wales
Collapse 2 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince Regent2 - George IV Calendar papers as Prince Regent
Expand 1811 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18111811 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1811
Expand 1812 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18121812 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1812
Expand 1813 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18131813 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1813
Collapse 1814 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18141814 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1814
Expand 1 - January, 18141 - January, 1814
Expand 2 - February, 18142 - February, 1814
Expand 3 - March, 18143 - March, 1814
Expand 4 - April, 18144 - April, 1814
Collapse 5 - May, 18145 - May, 1814
1 - Letter from Queen of Würtemberg [Württemberg] to George, Prince Regent
2 - Letter from Robert Gray to Joseph Fox
3 - Letter from Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt to George, Prince Regent
4 - Letter from Captain Tristam Robert Ricketts to Colonel John McMahon [with enclosure GEO/MAIN/21390]
5 - Letter from Lord St. Vincent to Captain Tristam Robert Ricketts [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/21388]
6 - Letter from Queen of Würtemberg [Württemberg] to George, Prince Regent
7 - Letter from Sir Theodore Lawrence to Colonel John McMahon [with enclosure GEO/MAIN/21395-21396]
8 - Letter from Sir Thomas Lawrence to George, Prince Regent [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/21393-21394]
9 - Abstract of dIspatches from Lord William Bentinck
10 - Letter from Lord William Bentinck to George, Prince Regent
11 - Letter from William Buchanan to George, Prince Regent
12 - Letter from Duke of Northumberland to Colonel John McMahon
13 - Letter from King of Prussia to George, Prince Regent
14 - Letter from Sir Chaloner Ogle to Colonel John McMahon
15 - Letter from Sir John Macpherson to Colonel John McMahon
16 - Letter from Johann Daniel Frey to George, Prince Regent
17 - Letter from Richard Bradshaw to [Colonel John McMahon]
18 - Letter from Sir William Manners to Colonel John McMahon
19 - Letter from the Very Reverend Heneage Horsley to Archbishop of Canterbury
20 - Letter from [Colonel John McMahon] to [Sir William Manners]
21 - Copy of a letter from Lord Carhampton to George, Prince Regent
22 - Letter from Major General Frederick Philipse Robinson to Colonel John McMahon
23 - Letter from Prince Charles of Mecklenburg-Strelitz to George, Prince Regent
24 - Letter from Sir George Dallas to Colonel John McMahon
25 - Letter from Lord Melville to Colonel John McMahon
26 - Letter from Lord Harcourt to George, Prince Regent
27 - Letter from Anthony St. Leger to Colonel John McMahon
28 - Memorandum from Colonel John McMahon
29 - Letter from Duke of Mecklenburg- Strelitz to George, Prince Regent
30 - Letter from Sir Samuel Whitcombe to Colonel John McMahon
31 - Letter from Sir John Macpherson to Colonel John McMahon [with enclosureS GEO/MAIN/21432-21434]
32 - Letter from Lord Sidmouth to Sir John Macpherson [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/21431]
33 - Letter from Mr. Otto to Sir John Macpherson [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/21431]
34 - Letter from Baron de Montesquieu to Sir John Macpherson [enclosure of GEO/MAIN/21431]
35 - Letter from King of Prussia to George, Prince Regent
Expand 6 - June, 18146 - June, 1814
Expand 7 - July, 18147 - July, 1814
Expand 8 - August, 18148 - August, 1814
Expand 9 - September 18149 - September 1814
Expand 10 - October, 181410 - October, 1814
Expand 11 - November, 181411 - November, 1814
Expand 12 - December, 181412 - December, 1814
Expand 1815 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18151815 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1815
Expand 1816 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18161816 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1816
Expand 1817 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18171817 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1817
Expand 1818 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18181818 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1818
Expand 1819 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18191819 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1819
Expand 1820 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 18201820 - George, Prince Regent, Calendar papers for 1820
Expand 3 - George IV Calendar papers as King3 - George IV Calendar papers as King
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