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PPTO - Privy Purse and Treasurer's Department papers
1 - Papers of the Privy Purse Department
1 - Privy Purse Papers for Sovereigns and other Members of the Royal Family
1 - Privy Purse Papers for Queen Victoria
1 - Privy Purse 'Minute Books' [Memoranda Books]
2 - General Order Book, recording orders for pensions, allowances, etc. to be paid from the Privy Purse
3 - Privy Purse Letter Book
4 - Privy Purse Correspondence, Main Series
5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence
6 - Privy Purse additional correspondence, X Series
7 - Privy Papers files on miscellaneous subjects mainly for the reigns of Queen Victoria and Edward VII
8 - Register of parcels of Privy Purse correspondence
9 - Privy Purse and other accounts of Queen Victoria
10 - Ledgers, journals and bank pass books for Queen Victoria's Privy Purse Main Account
11 - Ledgers for Queen Victoria's Personal and Extraordinary Account
12 - Bank pass book for the Prize Account
13 - Bank pass book for the Separate Account
14 - Ledgers and journals for the Separate Reserve Fund
15 - Privy Purse Bills
1 - Privy Purse Bills, 2901-3300
4 - Privy Purse Bills, 3831-4100
5 - Privy Purse Bills, 4101-4350
6 - Privy Purse Bills, 4351-4670
7 - Privy Purse Bills, 4671-4960
8 - Privy Purse Bills, 4966-5150
10 - Privy Purse Bills, 5151-5330
5151 - Cooper, Price & Co., Military and General Tailors, for the supply of a Shepherd's Plaid shooting jacket, waistcoat, trousers and cap for H. Gibbs
5152 - Donation of £5 by Prince Albert to Mr Alfred Hobday
5153 - Payment of £26.5s to Richard Lane, for a lithograph drawing after Winterhalter's portrait of Prince Arthur in the dress of the Royal Scots Fusilier Guards
5154 - Donation of £5 to Mrs Elizabeth Boult
5155 - Donation of £20 to Mrs Elizabeth Stevens, mother of a late Captain of the Royal Marines
5156 - Donation of £20 to Mrs Harriet Dowling, widow of Captain Dowling, Barrack Master of the Wellington Barracks, St James's Park and mother of the late Lieutenant William Dowling, who was killed at the Battle of Inkerman in the Crimean War
5157 - Subscription of ten guineas to the Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, of which Queen Victoria is patron
5158 - Payment of £25 to Rev. W. P. Baily
5159 - Donation of one hundred guineas to the Seaman's Hospital aboard HMS Dreadnought, Greenwich
5160 - Annual donation of ten guineas to the box keepers at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, London
5161 - Annual donation of £100 to the Royal Society of Literature
5162 - Donation of £5 to Isabella Burt
5163 - Payment of £25 to Lydia Greatorex, in advance of her salary from the Office of the Robes
5164 - Donation of £5 to Jenny Harwell, via Reverend Edward Scott of Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight
5165 - Payment of £72 to Ludwig Gruner for the purchase of seven items of sculpture in Rome on behalf of Prince Albert
5166 - Payment of £56 to W.C. Bell for enamel paintings commissioned by Queen Victoria
5167 - Joint donation of £100 to Mrs Jameson, via Mrs Anne Proctor
5168 - Payment of £11.16s to Mr Gropius in Berlin for the purchase by Prince Albert of Wilhelm Salzenberg's architectural drawing 'Ancient Christian Monuments of Constantinople' (as a Christmas present)
5169 - Payment of £350 to John and Robert White for the manufacture of Queen Victoria's floating bath at Osborne
5170 - Payment of £10 as quarterly allowance to Mr W. Gearing. 5 January 1855
5171 - Payment of £53.11.6 for Windsor pensions
5172 - Donation of £5 to Mrs Charlotte Harding
5173 - Payment of £29.8s to Mayer Brothers, Photographers, for the supply of photographic portraits and cases
5174 - Donation of £5 to Mrs Caroline Beavan
5175 - Annual donation of ten guineas to the Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead
5176 - Payment of £47.10s (quarter's salary) to Madame Rollande de la Sauge
5177 - Payment of £53.15s (quarter's salary) to Sarah Anne Hildyard
5178 - Donation of £5 to Mrs Nash (widow of a tradesmen 'who died mad')
5179 - Donation of £300 by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to the Central Association for the Relief of Distress in the Metropolis
5180 - Advance payment of £1000 to Prince Albert's Balmoral Account
5182 - Payment of 13 guineas to the box keepers of the Theatre Royal Haymarket, via G. Purpin
5183 - Payment of £4,114.1s.4d. to Hon. Charles Gore, Commissioner of Woods, by Prince Albert as part payment for Shaw Farm Buildings, Windsor
5184 - Donation of £20 to Emma Brooks (annual allowance through Lady Normandy)
5185 - Advance payment of £1000 to Prince Albert's Balmoral Account
5186 - Donation of £20 to Eliza Butler for the compilation of a genealogical table of the sovereigns of England
5187 - Payment of £128.2s to the Dickinson Brothers for photographic portraits and miniatures
5188 - Payment of £28.6s.4d for Mr Longden's Letter Book
5189 - Payment of £8.8s to Betham and Blackith, General Forwarding Agents, for transporting two cases of pictures and prints from Coburg
5190 - Small payments totalling £55.7s
5191 - Various payments to Messrs. Hayter and Howell, Army Packers, for items including fur coats, cutlery, tobacco and pipes to be sent to Scutari and Balaklava in the Crimea (some sent care of Florence Nightingale)
5192 - Payment of 5 guineas to the Rupture Society
5193 - Donation of £5 to Mrs Martha Floyd, widow of Charles Floyd, who had served in the Royal Mews as Coachman
5194 - Payment of 100 guineas to the Welch School
5195 - Donation of £10 to Mrs Jane Ann Collins, widow of the station master at Esher
5196 - Payment of £101.1s.10d to Dr Andrew Robertson
5197 - Payment of £300 to Andrew Toward
5198 - Payment of £20 to the Mendicity Society
5199 - Payment of £42 (quarter's salary) to Miss Agnes Illhardt
5200 - Payment of 10 guineas to the box keepers of the Royal Princess's Theatre, London
5201 - Donation of £5 towards the funeral expenses of pensioner Henry Butler, former Labourer at Frogmore Gardens
5202 - Payment of 10 guineas to St Anns Society's Schools
5203 - Payment of £10 to Captain Joseph Denman, for the boy George Sillcock 'lately in charge of the Bulgarian children'
5204 - Payment of 120 guineas to the artist John Phillip for the painting 'El Paseo'
5205 - Payment of 200 guineas to John Buckstone for the rent of the royal box, Theatre Royal Haymarket, for one year
5206 - Donation of 100 guineas to the Benevolent Society of St Patrick.
5207 - Payment of £113.4s.5d. to Messrs. Bell and Hughes for items sent to the Medical Officer, Balaklava
5208 - Joint donation by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of £50 to Sir Henry Bishop
5209 - Payment of £100 to the trustees of Princess Louise (as a birthday gift)
5210 - Payment of £75.15 to Baron Carlo Marochetti for a plaster statue of Prince Arthur; a bronze group of Prince Alfred and his pony; bronze busts of Lady Strathavon and Lady Constance Grosvenor; a plaster bust of the Hon. Mrs Gordon
5211 - Payment of £150 to Baron Carlo Marochetti for his monument of Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I
5212 - Payment of £875 for income tax
5213 - Payment of £35 by Prince Albert to Mary Thornycroft for a marble bust of Prince Arthur
5214 - Donation of £10 to Mrs Maria O'Brien
5215 - Payment of 10 guineas to the London Welsh Dispensary
5216 - Payment of £100 to the General Theatrical Fund
5217 - Payment of £5.7s to Eleanor Jefferson, being the amount of pay due to the late Lt. Francis Jefferson, employee at Virginia Water
5218 - Payment of £22 to Dr Ernst Becker for a journey to Paris and photographs bought there
5219 - Donation of £5 to Emma C. Thompson, on behalf of her elderly mother, Mrs Elliott. Her appeal includes the memoirs of her late uncle, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Draper, former Page of Honour to King George III
5220 - Payment of £18.5s to Walter Paton for providing writing lessons to Prince Alfred
11 - Privy Purse Bills, 5331-5580
12 - Privy Purse Bills, 5181-5770
13 - Privy Purse Bills, 5771-5960
14 - Privy Purse Bills, 5961-6160
15 - Privy Purse Bills, 6161-6320
16 - Privy Purse Bills, 6321-6510
17 - Privy Purse Bills, 6511-6690
18 - Privy Purse Bills, 6691-6900
20 - Privy Purse Bills, 7101-7300
21 - Privy Purse Bills, 7301-7480
22 - Privy Purse Bills, 7481-7700
23 - Privy Purse Bills, 7701-7920
24 - Privy Purse Bills, 7921-8090
25 - Privy Purse Bills, 8091-8250
26 - Privy Purse Bills, 8251-8490
27 - Privy Purse Bills, 8491-8650
28 - Privy Purse Bills, 8681-8900
29 - Privy Purse Bills, 8901-9100
30 - Privy Purse Bills, 9101-9270
31 - Privy Purse Bills, 9271-9439
32 - Privy Purse Bills, 9440-9640
33 - Privy Purse Bills, 9641-9810
34 - Privy Purse Bills, 9811-10000
35 - Privy Purse Bills, 10001-10210
36 - Privy Purse Bills, 10211-10420
38 - Privy Purse Bills, 10631-10710
39 - Privy Purse Bills, 10711-10777
40 - Privy Purse Bills, 1-220
41 - Privy Purse Bills, 221-370
42 - Privy Purse Bills, 371-565
43 - Privy Purse Bills, 566-740
44 - Privy Purse Bills, 741-920
45 - Privy Purse Bills, 921-1130
46 - Privy Purse Bills, 1131-1270
47 - Privy Purse Bills, 1271-1450
48 - Privy Purse Bills, 1481-1590
49 - Privy Purse Bills, 1591-1780
50 - Privy Purse Bills, 1781-1930
52 - Privy Purse Bills, 2151-2300
53 - Privy Purse Bills, 2301-2460
54 - Privy Purse Bills, 2461-2590
55 - Privy Purse Bills, 2591-2735
56 - Privy Purse Bills, 2736-2910
57 - Privy Purse Bills, 2911-3055
60 - Privy Purse Bills, 3381-3520
16 - Volumes of legal expenses incurred on behalf of Queen Victoria
17 - Privy Purse Papers relating to patronage and appointments by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince Consort
2 - Privy Purse Papers for Prince Albert
3 - Privy Purse Papers for Edward VII
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