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Collapse PPTO - Privy Purse and Treasurer's Department papersPPTO - Privy Purse and Treasurer's Department papers
Collapse 1 - Papers of the Privy Purse Department1 - Papers of the Privy Purse Department
Collapse 1 - Privy Purse Papers for Sovereigns and other Members of the Royal Family1 - Privy Purse Papers for Sovereigns and other Members of the Royal Family
Collapse 1 - Privy Purse Papers for Queen Victoria1 - Privy Purse Papers for Queen Victoria
Expand 1 - Privy Purse 'Minute Books' [Memoranda Books]1 - Privy Purse 'Minute Books' [Memoranda Books]
2 - General Order Book, recording orders for pensions, allowances, etc. to be paid from the Privy Purse
3 - Privy Purse Letter Book
Expand 4 - Privy Purse Correspondence, Main Series4 - Privy Purse Correspondence, Main Series
Collapse 5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence
Expand 1 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence1 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence
2 - Legal papers concerning the case brought by Mrs Ryves against the Duke of Wellington
3 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence concerning accounts of Queen Victoria and the Prince Albert
4 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence, abstracts and statements of accounts
Collapse 5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence
1 - Copies of annuities, Acts, marriage treaties and lists of presents and jewellery etc.
Expand 2 - Papers relating to Queen Adelaide's Household2 - Papers relating to Queen Adelaide's Household
3 - Papers relating to Queen Victoria's gift of chocolate to the troops in South Africa
4 - Collection of objects, many of historical interest, lent by HM King Edward VII selected from his private collection at Marlborough House when Prince of Wales'
5 - Legal papers in the matter of the petition of Trinity College of Music, London, for a Royal Charter
6 - Bills and accounts for the Royal Library and Print Room
Expand 7 - Correspondence relating to the purchase etc. of publications relating to the Royal Collection7 - Correspondence relating to the purchase etc. of publications relating to the Royal Collection
8 - Papers relating to Victoria Randle (neé Davies), daughter of Sara Forbes Bonetta and Godchild of Queen Victoria
9 - Letters, receipts etc. relating to disbursements of the King's Gift of £1000 to the Poor of Dublin on the occasion of the visit by Edward VII to Dublin in July 1903
10 - Papers relating to the marriage of Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne, 21 March 1871
11 - Papers relating to Princess Alice's dowry
12 - List of Resolutions of Protest against the Czar of Russia's visit in 1909
13 - Letters from the public against any change in the Declaration to be made at George V's Coronation
14 - Correspondence and papers relating to appointments to the King's Indian Native Orderly Officers
15 - Papers relating to funeral arrangements for Edward VII, 20 May 1910
16 - Papers relating to the Coronations of Edward VII, 1902, and George V, 1911
Expand 6 - Privy Purse additional correspondence, X Series6 - Privy Purse additional correspondence, X Series
Expand 7 - Privy Papers files on miscellaneous subjects mainly for the reigns of Queen Victoria and Edward VII7 - Privy Papers files on miscellaneous subjects mainly for the reigns of Queen Victoria and Edward VII
8 - Register of parcels of Privy Purse correspondence
Expand 9 - Privy Purse and other accounts of Queen Victoria9 - Privy Purse and other accounts of Queen Victoria
Expand 10 - Ledgers, journals and bank pass books for Queen Victoria's Privy Purse Main Account10 - Ledgers, journals and bank pass books for Queen Victoria's Privy Purse Main Account
Expand 11 - Ledgers for Queen Victoria's Personal and Extraordinary Account11 - Ledgers for Queen Victoria's Personal and Extraordinary Account
12 - Bank pass book for the Prize Account
13 - Bank pass book for the Separate Account
Expand 14 - Ledgers and journals for the Separate Reserve Fund14 - Ledgers and journals for the Separate Reserve Fund
Expand 15 - Privy Purse Bills15 - Privy Purse Bills
Expand 16 - Volumes of legal expenses incurred on behalf of Queen Victoria16 - Volumes of legal expenses incurred on behalf of Queen Victoria
Expand 17 - Privy Purse Papers relating to patronage and appointments by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince Consort17 - Privy Purse Papers relating to patronage and appointments by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince Consort
Expand 2 - Privy Purse Papers for Prince Albert2 - Privy Purse Papers for Prince Albert
Expand 3 - Privy Purse Papers for Edward VII3 - Privy Purse Papers for Edward VII
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