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PPTO - Privy Purse and Treasurer's Department papers
1 - Papers of the Privy Purse Department
1 - Privy Purse Papers for Sovereigns and other Members of the Royal Family
1 - Privy Purse Papers for Queen Victoria
1 - Privy Purse 'Minute Books' [Memoranda Books]
2 - General Order Book, recording orders for pensions, allowances, etc. to be paid from the Privy Purse
3 - Privy Purse Letter Book
4 - Privy Purse Correspondence, Main Series
5 - Additional Privy Purse correspondence
6 - Privy Purse additional correspondence, X Series
7 - Privy Papers files on miscellaneous subjects mainly for the reigns of Queen Victoria and Edward VII
1 - Enquiry into administration of Guy's Hospital following the manslaughter of a patient by a nurse
2 - Queen Victoria's Memorial to Dean Stanley in Westminster Abbey
3 - Painting of the marriage of Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, by James Linton
4 - Battersea Dogs Home: muzzling of dogs and prevention of rabies
5 - Queen Victoria's visit to Liverpool, May 1886
6 - The Queen's Band: list of instruments and alteration of pitch
7 - Post Office arrangements for Balmoral Messengers
8 - Queen Victoria's visit to Glasgow, August 1888
9 - Claims by Count Schlick [a Danish imposter?] that Queen Victoria ordered some silver from him; misuse of Royal autograph
10 - Permission to copy correspondence in relation to memoirs of the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Russell and Lord Melbourne
11 - Foundation and opening ceremony of the Imperial Institute
12 - Queen Victoria's visit to Paisley Abbey on 23 August 1888 where a memorial to members of the House of Stewart [Stuart] was laid
13 - The history and winding-up of the Old Windsor Tapestry Works
14 - Visit of the Shah of Persia
15 - Marriage of Princess Louise of Wales to the Earl of Fife and the question of a Title for him
16 - Visit of the German Emperor to Osborne
17 - Visit of the German Emperor to Osborne
18 - Opening of Empress Dock, Southampton
19 - Duke of Albany's Memorial at Cannes
20 - Double launching of 'HMS Royal Arthur' and 'HMS Royal Sovereign'
21 - John Maloney's claim to have saved the life of Queen Victoria when a child
22 - Salary, etc., of the Reverend W.R. Jolly, Tutor to Prince Arthur
23 - Research as to 'Who are Princes and Princesses of the Royal Blood?'
24 - Church appointments at Windsor and Worcester: Dean Randall Davidson, Bishop Alfred Barry and Reverend T. Teignmouth Shore
25 - Burial of Sir Edgar Boehm in St Paul's Cathedral at the wish of Queen Victoria
26 - Embezzlement by, and dismissal of, Thomas Manners from the Privy Purse
27 - Embezzlement by, and dismissal of, Aubrey Harrison from the Privy Purse
28 - Prince Arthur and Sir Howard Elpinstone
29 - The World's Columbian Exposition also known as the Chicago's World Fair: Exhibit of works by Queen Victoria and other members of the royal family
30 - Robert Thorburn, artist
31 - Choice of name FitzGeorge for the children of the morganatic marriage of George, Duke of Cambridge
32 - Dismissal of William Green from the service of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and re his being sent to New Zealand
33 - Cases of begging for cash by Eliza Blake, John Doherty, Rebecca Doherty, Catherine Floyd, Eliza Hickman and Elizabeth Wilson
34 - Debts and financial affairs of Edward, Duke of Kent
35 - Pension (1853) and difficulties (1878-1883) of Captain D.N. Welch
36 - Captain Childe
37 - Arrangements for Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge's marriage
38 - Marriage of Count Victor Gleichen and his position in the Navy
39 - Papers relating to the Queen Victoria's refusal to allow certain presentations at Court
40 - Papers relating to Honours
41 - Lithographic stones of royal portraits
42 - Miss Frances Low's article in the Strand Magazine on Queen Victoria's Dolls
43 - Correspondence with Lord Clifton concerning the release of Dr Wyndham-Carter from a 'Lunatic Asylum'
44 - Estimates for building the 'Indian Room' at Osborne House
45 - Abergeldie Lease
46 - The proposed San Juan Memorial to the Duke of Albany at Cannes
47 - Hiring of steamers for members of the Royal Family
48 - Messrs Cubitt's estimates for the new wing at Osborne House
49 - Addresses of congratulation on the wedding of George, Duke of York
50 - Opening of the Manchester Ship Canal by Queen Victoria
51 - Biography of Sir Morell Mackenzie (physician) by H.R. Haweis
52 - Dismissal of Mr F. Webster, Clerk at Osborne, for embezzlement
53 - Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in the Arctic
54 - Claim by John and Charles Edward Sobieski-Stuart to be the legitimate descendants of the House of Stuart
55 - Claims of descent from George III through his daughters Princess Augusta and Princess Sophia
56 - Lord Onslow's investigation into General Booth's Salvation Army 'Darkest England' scheme
57 - Lambeth Association for providing improved dwellings for the Labouring Classes (Duchy of Cornwall)
58 - Papers relating to John Wallace
59 - Negotiations with Professor von Angeli about the engraving of his pictures of Queen Victoria and Lord Kitchener
60 - Presentation by Queen Alexandra of certificates to members of the Royal National Pensions Fund for Nurses
61 - List of persons granted permission to pass in their carriages through Constitution Hill Gate
62 - Programme, official directory and other printed papers relating to the Coronation Durbar, Delhi
63 - Appeal for promotion by Mr T.R. Wyer of the Indian Civil Service
64 - Arrangements by Viscount Esher for disposal of certain Diamond Jubilee presents
65 - Correspondence between Lord Curzon and Lionel Cust about pictures presented by Edward VII to the Memorial Hall, Calcutta
66 - Charitable donations relating to the visit to Ireland of Edward VII, May 1904
67 - Allowances to Count Arthur Mensdorff-Pouilly and his widow Countess Bianca
68 - Visit of Edward VII to Kiel
69 - Allocation of apartments at Hampton Court Palace
70 - Loan of £1080 to Mlle. Norèle (a former Royal Governess) for the cost of building a house at Royat in France
71 - Papers relating to the King's Prize Medals ordered from the Royal Mint
72 - Railway coaches used by Queen Victoria and Edward VII
73 - Account of subscriptions and cost of the memorial to Queen Victoria in Whippingham Church
74 - Empty file cover regarding correspondence of Colonel W.H. Waters as Military Attaché with the Russian Army including the case of Major Home
75 - Use of Royal Standard and Crown on electioneering posters
76 - Requests for financial assistance by Mrs I.C. Campbell MacEwan, widow of Deputy Inspector Dugald MacEwan, Medical Officer on the Royal Yacht, for her and her son
77 - Appeal and donations relating to the University of London Medical Schools of Science Scheme
78 - Allocation of apartments at Hampton Court Palace
79 - Mrs Elaine Butler Johnson and her husband's loan of £300,000 to the Sultan of Turkey and her request for its return
80 - Admission of Harold Robinson to Earlswood Asylum
81 - Bible presented by Edward VII to Victoria Memorial Church, Frankfurt on Main
82 - Mr Lionel Cust's list of Queen Victoria's prints, engravings and lithographs
83 - Request for permission by A. Holmes-Dallimore to name his band the 'Ex-British Guards'
84 - Edward VII's surrender of the Gold Cup of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club won by him in 1893
85 - Dowager Empress Feodorovna of Russia's visit to England
86 - Various trusts and birthday accounts set up by Queen Victoria for her grandchildren
87 - Correspondence of Mr John Francon Williams on his ideas on National and International Affairs
88 - Edward VII's visit to Norwich
89 - Funeral of Prince Francis of Teck
90 - Papers relating to a rail journey from Wolferton to Rowsley and Chatsworth via London on 8 December 1913
91 - Private and Christmas bills of Edward VII
92 - Dismissal of Jacques Fehr as King's Courier on being implicated in an attempt to sell honours
93 - Copies of contracts for the hire of hotels by Queen Victoria at Cimiez, etc.
8 - Register of parcels of Privy Purse correspondence
9 - Privy Purse and other accounts of Queen Victoria
10 - Ledgers, journals and bank pass books for Queen Victoria's Privy Purse Main Account
11 - Ledgers for Queen Victoria's Personal and Extraordinary Account
12 - Bank pass book for the Prize Account
13 - Bank pass book for the Separate Account
14 - Ledgers and journals for the Separate Reserve Fund
15 - Privy Purse Bills
16 - Volumes of legal expenses incurred on behalf of Queen Victoria
17 - Privy Purse Papers relating to patronage and appointments by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Prince Consort
2 - Privy Purse Papers for Prince Albert
3 - Privy Purse Papers for Edward VII
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