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Collapse VICADD7 - Additional Papers of the Prince ConsortVICADD7 - Additional Papers of the Prince Consort
1 - Letters from Prince Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Prince Albert
Expand 2 - Letters to and concerning the Prince Consort2 - Letters to and concerning the Prince Consort
3 - Prince Consort's Letter Register
4 - The Prince Consort's Season Kalendar
5 - The Prince Consort's Season Kalendar
6 - The Prince Consort's Game Book
Expand 7 - Prince Albert's exercise books7 - Prince Albert's exercise books
8 - Letters from Queen Victoria to Prince Albert
Expand 9 - Coburger Privatkasse Correspondenz9 - Coburger Privatkasse Correspondenz
10 - Coburger Kunst und Naturlien Cabinet Correspondenz
Collapse 11 - Correspondence concerning the Prince Consort's collection of engravings and photographs of the paintings and drawings of Raphael11 - Correspondence concerning the Prince Consort's collection of engravings and photographs of the paintings and drawings of Raphael
Expand 1 - Raphael correspondence; England; 1853-18611 - Raphael correspondence; England; 1853-1861
Collapse 2 - Raphael correspondence; France, Italy & Spain; 1856-18632 - Raphael correspondence; France, Italy & Spain; 1856-1863
1 - Letter from Dr. Gustav Waagen to Dr Ernst Becker sending a lithograph copy of a picture by Perugino in Caen for the Prince Consort, and informing him of a well-painted copy available for sale there.
2 - Letter from Dr. Waagen to Dr Ernst Becker expressing pleasure that Prince Albert will accept the lithograph copy of the Perugino painting he offered, and awaiting instructions regarding the painted copy.
3 - Letter from Dr. Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that the Perugino copy is to be sold at auction following the death of the copyist, and telling him of the arrangements he has now made for its purchase for Prince Albert.
4 - Letter from Dr. Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker enclosing a letter from Caen regarding the price of the Perugino copy which Prince Albert wishes to purchase.
5 - Letter from Charles Payen of Caen to Dr. Waagen regarding the sale price of a copy of Perugino's 'Marriage of the Virgin' by the French painter Lavieille.
6 - Letter from Charles Thurston Thompson to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that he has photographed all the Raphael drawings at the Louvre.
7 - Letter from Benjamin Delessert to Dr. Ernst Becker concerning the Duc de Luynes's Raphael project and recommending a former print dealer in Paris who could assist in the search for engravings after Raphael.
8 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Dr. Ernst Becker agreeing to photograph the Raphael drawings in Lille and asking for a list of the drawings to be photographed in the Louvre.
9 - Letter from Émilien Nieuwerkerke, the Director General of the Imperial Museums in France, to the Prince Consort.
10 - Letter from Frédéric Reiset, curator at the Louvre, to [Dr. Ernst Becker] concerning the photographing of the Raphael drawings in the museum.
11 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting on his progress in photographing the Raphael drawings at the Louvre.
12 - Letter from the curator of drawings at the Louvre to Dr. Ernst Becker concerning two volumes, owned by Prince Albert and the Louvre respectively, of engravings from the drawings collection of M. de Bourgevin Vialart de St. Morys, a French emigré.
13 - Letter from Robert Bingham explaining his delay in photographing drawings in the Louvre as requested by Dr Ernst Becker, and promising to do the work shortly.
14 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Dr. Frédéric Kuhlmann sending photographs of two drawings by Raphael from the collection at Windsor Castle
15 - Letter from Dr. Frédéric Kuhlmann, the President of the Society of Sciences and Arts in Lille, acknowledging receipt of two photographs of Raphael drawings at Windsor Castle.
16 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that he has finished photographing drawings at the Louvre and others sent by Baron de Triqueti and will send the prints shortly, and that he has arranged to go to Lille.
17 - Letter from the President of the Society of Sciences and Arts at Lille to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that arrangements have been made for the drawings in the Musée Wicar to be photographed and published.
18 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting on his agreement with the authorities at the Musée Wicar and announcing that the prints of the drawings at the Louvre are nearly ready.
19 - Letter from the President of the Society of Sciences and Arts in Lille saying that his society and the Lille town council have agreed to the photographing of the drawings in the Musée Wicar.
20 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Albert Moitessier asking him to photograph Raphael drawings in the Musée Fabre at Montpellier.
21 - Letter from Dr. Frédéric Kuhlmann to Dr. Ernst Becker formally offering the society's thanks to the Prince Consort for photographs of two drawings in his collection
22 - Letter from Dr. Frédéric Kuhlmann to Dr. Ernst Becker asking him to show his formal letter concerning the drawings at the Musée Wicar to the Prince Consort
23 - Letter from Albert Moitessier to Charles Ruland in response to his, stating that the Musée Fabre contains only two of the four drawings of which Ruland requested photographs, but informing him of another Raphael drawing in Montpellier.
24 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Dr. Kuhlmann, President of the Society of Sciences and Arts at Lille.
25 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Dr. Kuhlmann, President of the Society of Sciences and Arts at Lille, informing him of the Prince Consort's reservations regarding the facsimiles of drawings in the Musée Wicar published by the Duc de Luynes.
26 - Letter from Mrs Bingham, wife of the photographer, explaining that her husband is ill but that he has just sent the proofs of his photographs of Raphael drawings to the Prince Consort
27 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Robert Bingham, photographer in Paris, acknowledging receipt of his photographs of Raphael drawings and requesting further information
28 - Letter from Albert Moitessier to Charles Ruland sending photographs of Raphael drawings at Montpellier and explaining why he was unable to photograph three other drawings as requested.
29 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Frédéric Reiset asking his advice about an engraving after Raphael purchased by the Prince Consort.
30 - Letter from Frédéric Reiset to Charles Ruland replying to his letter casting doubt on the authenticity of the drawing by Raphael which is the subject of the etching sent to him by Ruland.
31 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Robert Bingham regarding photographing drawings in the Louvre and the Wicar collection.
32 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Dr. Kuhlmann in Lille, asking whether the photographer Mr Bingham has begun photographing the Wicar collection of drawings.
33 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Charles Ruland answering his questions as to which Raphael drawings he has photographed in Paris and explaining his delay in photographing the drawings at Lille.
34 - Letter from Dr. Kuhlmann, President of the Society of Sciences and Arts in Lille, to Charles Ruland informing him that Robert Bingham has begun his work at the museum.
35 - Copy list of photographs of Raphael drawings in Paris ordered for the Prince Consort from Robert Bingham.
36 - Letter from Baron de Triqueti to Charles Ruland giving details of drawings from his collection chosen by Dr. Ernst Becker to be photographed for the Prince Consort
37 - Letter from J.C. Robinson to Charles Ruland sending photographs of M. de Lasalle's Raphael drawings.
38 - Letter from Albert Moitessier to Charles Ruland reporting that he has sent the negatives and prints of the Raphael drawings he has photographed in Montpellier.
39 - Draft letter from Charles Ruland to J.C. Robinson thanking him for the photographs he sent of four Raphael drawings.
40 - Incomplete letter from William Russell to Sir Charles Phipps concerning the sale of M. Reiset's collection of drawings, including some attributed to Raphael.
41 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Messrs Colnaghi asking for Raphael drawings in a collection which is on sale to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
42 - Letter from Messrs Colnaghi to Charles Ruland in reply to his letter saying that they have asked for the Raphael drawings requested by Ruland to be photographed.
43 - Letter from Dominic Colnaghi to Dr. Ernst Becker in reply to his enquiries about a Raphael Madonna in Dresden and about the 'Madre de Raffaelle' picture.
44 - Letter from Joseph Kanné to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting on his progress in obtaining photographs of Raphael drawings in Milan and Florence and seeking clarification about which drawings in the Uffizi are to be photographed.
45 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Joseph Kanné answering his questions about drawings to be photographed in the Uffizi Gallery and suggesting ways of persuading the Director to accept the proposed exchange with copies of the Windsor collection.
46 - List of photographs and engravings of paintings or drawings by Raphael ordered from Italy through Joseph Kanné.
47 - Draft letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Joseph Kanné instructing him to obtain, during his visit to Italy, photographs of pictures and drawings by Raphael.
48 - List of photographs and engravings of paintings or drawings by Raphael ordered from Italy through Joseph Kanné.
49 - Letter from Joseph Kanné to Dr Ernst Becker from Naples asking whether the price asked for photographs of the works of Raphael there is acceptable, and reporting on his visit to Palermo.
50 - Letter from Leopoldo Alinari to Joseph Kanné explaining the delays and difficulties of his work photographing the works of Raphael in Florence, justifying his charges and asking Kanné to write to the Director of the Uffizi on his behalf.
51 - Letter from the British Consul at Genoa to Mr J. Bairr in Milan regarding the photographic plates the latter has sent him for dispatch to Prince Albert.
52 - Letter from J. Bairr in Milan to Joseph Kanné asking him to contact Dr. Ernst Becker regarding photographic plates.
53 - Memorandum by Gerolamo Brioschi, photographer in Milan, explaining why he had to photograph Raphael's Madonna and Child in four parts, and describing other difficulties presented by the painting;
54 - Brioschi's bill for the four negatives.
55 - Letter from Joseph Kanné to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that eight photographs by Alinari are on their way from Florence.
56 - Letter from Leopoldo Alinari to Dr. Ernst Becker acknowledging receipt of his telegram conveying permission to photograph the Raphael drawings in Venice and Vienna
57 - Letter from the Tuscan chargé d'affaires in Paris to General [Grey] sending photographs made for the Prince Consort by Archduke Ferdinand of Tuscany.
58 - Letter from Gerolamo Brioschi in Milan sending his bill for photographing Don Guido Fumagalli's painting by Raphael for the Prince Consort.
59 - Copy of letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Gerolamo Brioschi informing him that payment has been sent for his work, but that the Prince Consort has decided not to give him any further work because of his exorbitant charges.
60 - Letter from Gerolamo Brioschi to Dr. Ernst Becker justifying his charge for his photographs of Signor Fumagalli's painting by Raphael.
61 - Translation of Gerolamo Brioschi's letter to Dr. Ernst Becker justifying his charge for his photographs of Signor Fumagalli's painting by Raphael.
62 - Letter from Alphonse Bernoud to Dr. Ernst Becker asking him to arrange permission from the British Consul in Naples to take photographs of pictures by Raphael in Naples
63 - Letter from Alphonse Bernoud to Joseph Kanné concerning the photography that he has been commissioned to do in Naples.
64 - Alphonse Bernoud's business card.
65 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker asking whether the Prince already has photographs of certain works by Raphael, which he can send if required.
66 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker giving further details of the photographs of works by Raphael which he is offering to send.
67 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that he has obtained permission to photograph pictures in some collections in Rome but that he is faced with constant difficulties and obstructiveness
68 - Letter from General Bruce to Dr. Ernst Becker stating that he has called on Cardinal Antonelli and is hopeful of a positive response to the Prince Consort's wishes and reporting on the successful start of the Prince of Wales's visit to Rome
69 - Letter from Colonel Bruce to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that Lake Price has been authorized by Cardinal Antonelli to photograph the pictures in the Vatican museum as requested by the Prince Consort.
70 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that he has discovered the 'Camera di Bagno di Julio II' in the Vatican and suggesting that a cast could be taken from a sculpted panel in it and copied in marble for the terrace at Osborne
71 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker protesting that he has carried out his commission for the Prince punctiliously and hopes to return to England soon with the majority of the photographs ordered
72 - Letter from Colonel Robert Bruce to Dr. Ernst Becker about Lake Price's activities in seeking permission to photograph works of art in Rome for the Prince Consort.
73 - Letter from William Lake Price to Colonel Bruce sending the list of pictures which the Prince Consort has commissioned him to photograph in Rome and welcoming Bruce's assistance if any difficulties arise.
74 - Letter from William Lake Price to Colonel Bruce regarding permission to be obtained for photography of pictures.
75 - Letter from William Lake Price to Colonel Bruce regarding his other commissions to photograph pictures in Rome.
76 - Copy letter from William Lake Price to Giuseppe de Fabris, Curator of the Pontifical Museums, asking permission to photograph Raphael's Transfiguration and Domenichino's San Girolamo.
77 - Letter from Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that he has been unable to photograph either the pictures in the Vatican, despite permission having been given, or the Raphael in the Academy of San Luca.
78 - Letter from Joseph Kanné to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a book by Pontani/Pontanius requested by the Prince Consort.
79 - Note from the bookseller Joseph Spithover of Piazza di Spagna offering to supply engravings.
80 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker sending him a pendant to [his] portrait of the Prince of Wales, expressing regret that he could not fulfil the Prince Consort's commission in Rome.
81 - List of pictures and architectural drawings in Rome [chiefly by Raphael; to be photographed by William Lake Price].
82 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker on the frustration of his work in private collections in Rome, the success of the lithographic copies of his portrait of Prince Alfred, and his offer to do a portrait of Princess Alice.
83 - Letter from William Lake Price to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that his negatives have been damaged at sea and cannot be presented to the Prince Consort for inspection.
84 - Letter from Joseph Spithöver to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a photograph which Mr Anderson has been commissioned to take in Rome for the Prince Consort, with a note of Becker's reply listing photographs required.
85 - Instructions and lists of materials needed for a salting solution, toning bath, fixing bath and mounting.
86 - Letter from Joseph Spithöver to Dr. Ernst Becker in reply to his letters, explaining his delay in answering and asking whether the Prince still wishes his commission [in Rome] to be carried out.
87 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Monsieur Grillet at Naples, asking whether he will be able to photograph paintings and drawings by Raphael for the Prince Consort, and sending a list of them.
88 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Joseph Spithöver in Rome thanking him for his letter of 25 April and listing the pictures the Prince Consort wishes to have photographed in Rome.
89 - Letter from William Russell to Charles Ruland regarding the latter's attempts to track down the photographer Monsieur Grillet in Naples.
90 - Part of a letter from George Russell [to his father] from Rome concerning efforts to find the photographer Grillet at Naples, enclosing a letter from Augustus Craven on the same subject.
91 - Part of letter from Augustus Craven to George Russell from Naples, stating that Grillet is away and recommending another photographer to carry out the Prince Consort's commission there.
92 - Unsigned note written in Naples, explaining why pictures formerly belonging to Marchese Letizia, Don Ciccio di Luca and the Signori Langellotti cannot be photographed [for the Prince Consort].
93 - Letter from Augustus Craven to Sir Charles Phipps stating that the photographer he has found is about to start work at the Museum in Naples
94 - Draft letter from Charles Ruland to Augustus Craven enquiring about progress on the promised photographs of works by Raphael in Naples.
95 - Letter from Augustus Craven to Charles Ruland explaining the delay in producing the photographs from Naples requested by the Prince Consort.
96 - List written by Ludwig Gruner of original drawings by Raphael in the private library of the King of Sardinia.
97 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland sending him a list of Raphael drawings in Turin and reporting on photography projects.
98 - Copy extract of letter from Victoria, Princess Royal, to Princess Helena saying that she has made arrangements for the Raphael works in Naples to be photographed.
99 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to unnamed addressee regarding the photographing of Raphael drawings in Venice not yet in the Royal Collection in Windsor.
100 - Copy list of works by Raphael in the Accademia in Venice, as catalogued by Passavant, to be photographed for the Prince Consort's collection.
101 - Letter from Count Tascher de la Pagerie to [Dr. Ernst Becker] promising to send information about a Raphael picture in Spain and recommending a German violinist.
102 - Letter from Andrew Buchanan, the British Minister in Madrid, to Dr. Ernst Becker explaining why he has not yet been able to carry out the Prince Consort's commission.
103 - Letter from the British Minister in Madrid to Dr Ernst Becker enclosing a memorandum on the paintings by Raphael of which the Prince Consort wishes to obtain photographs.
104 - Memorandum by John Savile-Lumley concerning pictures by Raphael in the Royal Museum in Madrid of which the Prince Consort wishes to have photographs.
105 - Letter from the British Minister in Madrid to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a photograph of a picture in the Duke of Alba's collection by messenger, and that permission has been given for the photographing of Raphael pictures in the Royal Museum
106 - Notes of Becker's response to the letter from the British Minister in Madrid acknowledging receipt of the photograph of the Duke of Alba's picture, and stating that the Prince wishes to acquire the plates of photographs taken in Madrid.
107 - Letter from Count Tascher de la Pagerie to Dr. Ernst Becker sending an extract from a letter from his friend in Madrid who arranged for the Duke of Alba's Raphael picture to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
108 - Extract of letter from an unknown writer to Count Tascher de la Pagerie reporting on the photography of a Raphael portrait in the collection of the Duke of Alba in Madrid, for the Prince Consort.
109 - Letter from Count Tascher de la Pagerie to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for his letter and giving him the name of Don Juan de Ortez de Zarrate, who arranged for the photographing of the Raphael portrait belonging to the Duke of Alba.
110 - Letter from the British Minister in Madrid to Dr. Ernst Becker sending the plates and photographs of three pictures in the Madrid Museum, together with the photographer's account
111 - Letter from the photographer Charles Clifford to the British Minister in Madrid reporting that he has photographed the pictures [in the Royal Museum in Madrid] and will send the plates and photographs to the Embassy shortly.
112 - Letter from the photographer Charles Clifford to the British Minister in Madrid sending him the plates and prints [of the photographs of pictures by Raphael in Madrid] for the Prince Consort.
113 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to the British Minister in Madrid asking him to arrange for two drawings by Raphael belonging to Sr José de Madrazo to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
114 - Letter from Charles Clifford to Charles Ruland sending photographs he has taken of two Raphael drawings in the possession of the former Director of the Royal Museum (the Prado).
115 - Letter from the British Minister in Madrid to Charles Ruland reporting that he has carried out the Prince's commission to have Sr Madrazo's Raphael drawings photographed and the results are on the way by Queen's Messenger.
116 - Copy letter from Ruland to Charles Clifford acknowledging receipt of the negatives from a drawing belonging to Sr Madrazo and asking for photographs of the other drawings mentioned by Clifford in his letter.
117 - Copy letter from Ruland to the British Minister in Madrid thanking him for sending Clifford's negatives so promptly, and asking him to forward some more photographs Clifford is taking for the Prince.
118 - Letter from Charles Clifford to Ruland promising to carry out the Prince Consort's commission when he returns to Madrid and offering to send a Roman archaeological specimen to the Prince.
119 - Letter from Charles Clifford to Ruland sending two more negatives from drawings in Señor Madrazo's collection and asking him to forward a packet to the Prince of Wales.
120 - Letter from Charles Clifford to Ruland saying he has sent his negatives but not his prints as the Queen has ordered an entire collection for the Prince Consort.
121 - Letter from Charles Clifford to Ruland asking him to arrange for Sir Andrew Buchanan to pay his account as before.
122 - Copy letter from Ruland to Sir Andrew Buchanan, the British Minister in Madrid, thanking him for his help and asking him to pay the photographer Charles Clifford for his work.
123 - Letter from Sir Andrew Buchanan, the British Minister in Madrid, to Ruland enclosing Clifford's account for his work for the Prince Consort and offering to continue acting as go-between.
124 - Charles Clifford's receipt of payment from Albert, Prince Consort, for photographing two Raphael drawings.
Expand 3 - Raphael correspondence; Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden & Russia; 1853-18613 - Raphael correspondence; Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden & Russia; 1853-1861
4 - Raphael Collection Desiderata
Expand 5 - Raphael Correspondence; additions; 1882-19655 - Raphael Correspondence; additions; 1882-1965
Expand 12 - Correspondence from Prince Albert to Leopold I, Lord Spencer and his Aunt, and New Year wishes to him from the Queen12 - Correspondence from Prince Albert to Leopold I, Lord Spencer and his Aunt, and New Year wishes to him from the Queen
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