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Collapse VICADD7 - Additional Papers of the Prince ConsortVICADD7 - Additional Papers of the Prince Consort
1 - Letters from Prince Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Prince Albert
Expand 2 - Letters to and concerning the Prince Consort2 - Letters to and concerning the Prince Consort
3 - Prince Consort's Letter Register
4 - The Prince Consort's Season Kalendar
5 - The Prince Consort's Season Kalendar
6 - The Prince Consort's Game Book
Expand 7 - Prince Albert's exercise books7 - Prince Albert's exercise books
8 - Letters from Queen Victoria to Prince Albert
Expand 9 - Coburger Privatkasse Correspondenz9 - Coburger Privatkasse Correspondenz
10 - Coburger Kunst und Naturlien Cabinet Correspondenz
Collapse 11 - Correspondence concerning the Prince Consort's collection of engravings and photographs of the paintings and drawings of Raphael11 - Correspondence concerning the Prince Consort's collection of engravings and photographs of the paintings and drawings of Raphael
Expand 1 - Raphael correspondence; England; 1853-18611 - Raphael correspondence; England; 1853-1861
Expand 2 - Raphael correspondence; France, Italy & Spain; 1856-18632 - Raphael correspondence; France, Italy & Spain; 1856-1863
Collapse 3 - Raphael correspondence; Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden & Russia; 1853-18613 - Raphael correspondence; Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden & Russia; 1853-1861
1 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker in answer to a request to have paintings by Raphael in Berlin photographed for Prince Albert.
2 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker sending an engraving and photographs of works by Raphael in Berlin and asking whether Prince Albert would like a photograph of another Raphael picture.
3 - Notes of Dr Ernst Becker's reply to Gustav Waagen's letter of 16 July thanking him for the photographs from Berlin and asking for more.
4 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding Prince Albert's wish for un-retouched prints of the Raphael pictures in Berlin of which Waagen has sent photographs.
5 - Note of a letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Dr. Braun.
6 - Notes of Dr. Ernst Becker's letter to Gustav Waagen specifying Prince Albert's wishes about further photography of works by Raphael in Berlin.
7 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker agreeing to look at a collection in Munich on Prince Albert's behalf and hoping to see the remainder of the Prince's Raphael collection, the drawings at Windsor and the Buckingham Palace picture
8 - Letter from art publishers Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker in reply to his enquiry about two pictures by Raphael said to be in King Ludwig of Bavaria's collection, informing him that they are not in the collection.
9 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker stating that they have found two Raphael pictures about which he enquired and are willing to make lithographic copies of them; they also offer their new publication from King Ludwig's collection of Beauties
10 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker stating that work on making lithograph copies of the two Raphael paintings in Munich for the Prince will begin immediately, and that copies of King Ludwig's collection of Beauties will be sent
11 - Letter from Johann Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker responding to questions about Raphael drawings in the Städel Art Institute in Frankfurt and listing works by Raphael mentioned by Landon with the corresponding numbers in his own book on the artist.
12 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that the lithographs of the two Raphael pictures in Munich have been made and the first 20 prints will be sent to him next day
13 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Dr. Ernst Becker enclosing a note listing drawings [by Raphael] in the sale of the Esdaile collection in 1840.
14 - Note by Eastlake listing three drawings [by Raphael] included in the Esdaile sale on 18 June 1840, enclosed with letter dated 16 February 1857.
15 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding the Raphael drawing owned by Mr Harzen of Hamburg, which the latter is willing to allow to be photographed for the Prince Consort, and the question of how this can be arranged.
16 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a head of St Michael by Raphael in the Pinakothek in Munich, of which they offer to have a lithograph made.
17 - Letter from Dr. Samwer to Dr. Ernest Becker asking whether the Prince Consort would like to contribute to a memorial statue to Luther in Coburg and whether he would be interested in two drawings, possibly by Raphael or a pupil
18 - Letter from E. Harzen to Sir Charles Eastlake sending a drawing by Raphael from his collection, to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
19 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Dr Ernst Becker forwarding a Raphael drawing belonging to E. Harzen of Hamburg, together with the latter's note sending it to him.
20 - Letter from Dr. Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker conveying Herr Harzen's request that his Raphael drawing be photographed before his return from London to Hamburg.
21 - Letter from Herr E. Harzen to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for a selection of photographs of drawings by Raphael which the Prince Consort has had sent to him, and for returning his own Raphael drawing to him.
22 - Letter from Herr Harzen to Dr. Ernst Becker.
23 - Letter from Wilhelm von Schadow, the Director of the Royal Academy of Arts at Düsseldorf, to Dr. Ernst Becker.
24 - Letter from the Director and Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts, Düsseldorf to Albert, Prince Consort.
25 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker concerning a collection of drawings of vases, urns, candelabra etc [by Raphael] which has been sent for the Prince Consort's inspection.
26 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker sending receipts and drawings, reporting on a collector in Dresden who is willing to have his Raphael drawings photographed, and asking for a letter of recommendation to see the print collection in Coburg
27 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker regretting that he has been unable to find a good copy of Correggio's Magdalen, reporting that he has found Raphael drawings in Weimar and Gotha, and mentioning other matters.
28 - Letter from D. Lenoir, from Munich, to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a newspaper article about his art collection and asking whether he has received the photograph he commissioned from Herr Albert of the Raphael [in Lenoir's collection] in May.
29 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for sending Lenoir's letter about his art collection in Munich and expressing interest in the 'Raphael' in the collection.
30 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker commenting further on Raphael drawings belonging to the Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, sending part of a work on Orvieto and reporting progress on the illustrations for the Hope bible [?].
31 - Letter from D. Lenoir in Munich to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a photograph of the work by Raphael in his collection.
32 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Dr. Ernst Becker expressing the opinion that D. Lenoir's picture is not by Raphael.
33 - Letter from F. Backofen to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a photograph of Raphael's picture of the Archangel Raphael from the Darmstadt collections, explaining and apologising for its inadequacy.
34 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker identifying drawings of amorini in Passavant, mentioning purchases of others, regretting a mistake he has made and reminding him of earlier questions.
35 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker listing prints after Raphael that he has bought for the Prince Consort.
36 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that he is sending glass negatives and prints of the Raphael pictures in his museum; three other photographs will follow, and he draws attention to two more Raphael works in Gotha and Hanover.
37 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Becker asking for payment for [Gustav] Schauer, the Berlin photographer who photographed the Raphael works in his museum.
38 - Letter from Dr. H. Härtel to Dr. Friedrich Chrysander asking him to obtain, through Dr. Ernst Becker, photographs of the Raphael and Michelangelo drawings at Windsor as exhibited in the Manchester Exhibition of Art Treasures.
39 - Letter from Dr. H. Härtel to Dr. F. Chrysander regarding his wish to obtain photographs of the Raphael drawings at Windsor and at the British Museum, and Dr. Chrysander's covering note forwarding this letter to Dr. Ernst Becker.
41 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Dr H. Härtel sending him photographs of all the Raphael drawings in Windsor and at the British Museum for his collection of reproductions of Raphael works.
42 - Letter from Dr. Härtel of Leipzig to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding the Prince Consort's authorisation for him to receive photographs of Raphael drawings at Windsor and the British Museum.
43 - Letter from Dr. Härtel of Leipzig to Dr. Ernst Becker acknowledging receipt of photographs.
44 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for photographs and informing him that he has sent a print of a rare 'Venus' picture to Buckingham Palace for the Prince Consort.
45 - Letter from Professor Joseph Keller of Düsseldorf to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding the whereabouts of a Raphael drawing thought to be in Düsseldorf and offering to send a print and an etching of two others.
46 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to the Prince Consort sending copies of an essay on Raphael which he has written and promising to send a photograph of the one Raphael picture in the Berlin gallery of which the Prince does not yet have a reproduction.
47 - Letter from Professor Joseph Keller to Dr. Ernst Becker.
48 - Letter from Carl Schmidt, from Bamberg, to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a picture owned by Count Schönborn in Pommersfelden of which the Prince Consort would like a photograph.
49 - Letter from Carl Schmidt, from Coburg, to Dr. Ernst Becker telling him that Count Schönborn has agreed to allow the picture [by Raphael] from his gallery in which the Prince Consort is interested to be photographed for him.
50 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker sending Raphael ?prints he has bought at auction in Dresden for the Prince Consort, together with the bill.
51 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for his comments on Passavant's biography of Raphael and expressing regret that the photographs of two Raphael drawings in Frankfurt have not yet been taken
52 - Letter from Ernst von Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker sending three glass-plate negatives of Raphael drawings in the Berlin Museum as a Christmas present from Prince Frederick William to the Prince Consort, and explaining why there are no prints with them.
53 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker sending photographs (and engravings?) of Raphael drawings and other items.
54 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker in response to a request for recommendations of classical scholars and criticising the Director of the Berlin Museums for his failure to supply photographs for the Raphael Collection
55 - Letter from Ernst Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting on lack of progress photographing the Raphael drawings.
56 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding the photographing of two privately-owned Raphael drawings in Dresden.
57 - Letter from Dr. Ignaz von Olfers, the General Director of the Royal Museums in Berlin, to the Prince Consort sending photographs of 24 Raphael drawings in the Museums' Print Room.
58 - Draft or copy of the Prince Consort's letter of thanks to Dr. Olfers.
59 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to J.D. Passavant announcing that he has found two Raphael drawings in the collection at Windsor separately bound from the rest.
60 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking for photographs of Raphael works and promising to send photographs of the two Raphael drawings in his Institute.
61 - Letter from Ernst von Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker sending glass plate [negatives] of Raphael drawings in the Berlin Museum.
62 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Becker asking for copies of the photographic reproductions of the Raphael Cartoons for Professor Steinle in Frankfurt.
63 - Letter from Professor Joseph Keller of the Düsseldorf Academy of Art to Dr. Ernst Becker concerning the whereabouts of Raphael's drawing of the Abduction of Helen, illustrated in an edition of prints after Old Master drawings in Düsseldorf collections.
64 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that Queen Maria of Saxony has given permission for her Raphael drawing to be photographed for the Prince Consort, and referring to work on the Council Room at Osborne.
65 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker sending photographs of three Raphael drawings in the Städel Institute in Frankfurt.
66 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr Ernst Becker reporting that he has discovered a new drawing by Raphael, and promising to have the drawing owned by the Princess of Prussia photographed for the Prince Consort as soon as the weather in Berlin improves.
67 - Letter from Ernst Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker sending negatives of two Raphael drawings in private possession in Berlin.
68 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle of Munich to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a series of prints subscribed to by the Prince Consort, and Raphael drawings in the Bavarian royal collection of which he has requested photographs.
69 - Letter from Baron Bunsen to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that a Raphael drawing belonging to the late August Kestner is in Hanover.
70 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker acknowledging receipt of a photograph, announcing that he has sent Becker one of the Massacre of the Innocents and asking for a copy photograph of the St. Michael from Milan
71 - Letter from Piloty & Loehle to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that permission to photograph works in the Bavarian State galleries and art collections has been refused, and offering to have a lithograph made of a painting attributed to Raphael
72 - Letter from Artaria & Co. in Vienna to Dr. Ernst Becker saying that Prince Esterhazy has given permission for his Raphael drawings and paintings to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
73 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing the dispatch of prints of two Raphael drawings, from the collection of Queen Marie of Saxony and the Mengs collection, and reporting that he has tracked down the drawing belonging to Count Riesch.
74 - Letter from Herr Minutoli, in Liegnitz, regretting the delay in sending the promised photograph of his Raphael picture for the Prince Consort's collection, explaining the difficulty of photographing it, and sending proof copies of his failed attempts.
75 - Letter from August von Cetto, the Bavarian Envoy, to Dr. Ernst Becker agreeing to transmit the Prince Consort's request to Munich.
76 - Letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Alexander von Minutoli thanking him for the photograph of his Raphael picture and accepting the offer of a retouched version as well.
77 - Letter from August von Cetto, the Bavarian Envoy, to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that permission has been granted.
78 - Letter from Charles Ruland to Dr. Ernst Becker from Frankfurt, informing him that he has seen Herr Schäfer, the photographer, who has promised to photograph the remaining Raphael drawings in the Städel Institute for the Prince Consort.
79 - Letter from Dr. Härtel of Leipzig to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking him for photographs sent to him in addition to those he has already received through the generosity of the Prince Consort.
80 - Letter from the Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf to Dr. Ernst Becker thanking for two photographs of Raphael drawings sent to the Academy on the Prince Consort's instructions.
81 - Letter from Artaria & Co. to Dr. Ernst Becker explaining their delay in carrying out the Prince Consort's commission for the photography of works by Raphael in the Esterhazy collection, and announcing that the work has now been done
82 - Bill from Antaria & Co. for photography of works by Raphael in the Esterhazy collection in Vienna.
83 - Letter from Artaria & Co. to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that the drawing ('Astronomy') from the Archduke Albrecht's collection has been photographed and the glass plate sent to the Prince Consort via the British Legation as instructed.
84 - Invoice for photographing and producing a glass plate negative of the Raphael drawing representing Astronomy.
85 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a photograph of the Raphael Madonna and Child in the Berlin Museum and offering a photograph of the Princess of Prussia's picture of a Carthusian monk, for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection.
86 - Letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to J.D. Passavant sending the prospectus of the Department of Practical Art's publication of photographs of the Raphael Cartoons, and providing information about engravings and photographs previously sent by him to Passavant
87 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker enquiring after the photographs of the Raphael Cartoons and asking how to obtain photographs of the Raphael drawings in Oxford and at the Louvre
88 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker about retouching the photograph of the Raphael Madonna and Child and sending a photograph of the Princess of Prussia's picture of a monk and catalogues of the Humboldt art collection at Schloss Tegel
89 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Dr. Ernst Becker specifying which photographs of details from the Raphael Cartoons which he wants.
90 - List of the photographs of details from the Raphael Cartoons which Passavant has already received through Dr. Ernst Becker's good graces.
91 - Letter from Ernst Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker asking whether he should arrange for a [Raphael] drawing belonging to Herr von Bethmann Hollweg to be photographed.
92 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing the despatch of glass plate negatives to Buckingham Palace and reporting on his attempt to get permission to photograph the Raphael drawing in the collection of Count Riesch's mother
93 - Letter from Carl Christian Vogel to Ludwig Gruner concerning a preliminary sketch by Raphael for his drawing of the Massacre of the Innocents in the possession of Queen Maria of Saxony.
94 - Letter from the British Envoy to Hanover to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a request for a photograph of a Raphael drawing purported to be in Hanover.
95 - Letter from Friedrich Culemann to the British Envoy to Hanover denying knowledge of a work by Raphael in Hanover and enclosing a catalogue of the Söder (Count Brabeck) collection, which includes works attributed to Raphael.
96 - Printed catalogue of the collection formerly belonging to Count Braback.
97 - Letter from Ernst Stockmar to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that the Princess of Prussia's Raphael picture has been photographed, and that he has commissioned a photographer in Coblenz to photograph Bethmann Hollweg's Raphael drawing.
98 - Letter from Joseph Albert, photographer to the Bavarian court in Munich, to Dr. Ernst Becker agreeing to photograph a [Raphael] picture belonging to Count Schänborn for the Prince Consort.
99 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Ludwig Gruner responding to Count Riesch's request for a bust of the Prince Consort in return for allowing his Raphael drawing to be photographed for the Prince.
100 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that he intends to send several original [Raphael] drawings by courier from Dresden to England for photographing, as the glass negatives he sent by post evidently did not survive the journey.
101 - Copy letter from J.D. Passavant to Ludwig Gruner giving information about a drawing of Raphael's Massacre of the Innocents owned by Count Riesch.
102 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker informing him that he is sending today the [Raphael] drawings mentioned in his previous letter.
103 - Letter from Herr Thomas, photographer in Coblenz, to Dr. Ernst Becker saying he has sent the negative of a Raphael drawing in Schloss Rheineck to the Prince Consort.
104 - Letter from the British Envoy to Hanover to Dr. Ernst Becker enclosing a letter from Senator Culemann regarding a Raphael drawing in the Kestner collection.
105 - Letter from Senator Culemann to the British Envoy to Hanover attempting to identify a Raphael drawing said to be in Hanover, which the Prince Consort has asked to have photographed.
106 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Senator Culemann in response to confirmation that the drawing of the Resurrection attributed to Raphael in the Kestner collection in Hanover is the one of which the Prince Consort would like a photograph
107 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker concerning the (Raphael) drawings he has sent to him to be photographed.
108 - Letter from Senator Culemann to Dr. Ernst Becker in response to Becker's letter announcing that Herr Kestner has given permission for his Raphael drawing to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
109 - Letter from Charles Ruland to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that weather conditions are making it impossible for Bambridge to take photographs [of Raphael drawings].
110 - Notes of Dr. Ernst Becker's response to Ludwig Gruner's letter of 29 December concerning the return of Raphael drawings the latter had sent from Dresden to be photographed for the Prince Consort.
111 - Letter from Count Riesch to the Prince Consort stating that he has gladly given permission for his mother's Raphael drawing of the 'Massacre of the Innocents' to be photographed for the Prince's collection.
112 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to the Prince Consort reporting on Count Riesch's change of heart and asking whether the Prince now wishes the Riesch family's Raphael drawing to be photographed for his collection.
113 - Letter from the photographer Philipp Hoff, probably to Dr. Ernst Becker, about photographing the Raphael drawings in the Städel Institute in Frankfurt.
114 - Letter from the photographer Philipp Hoff to Charles Ruland saying he is ready to photograph the Raphael drawings in the Städel Institut in Frankfurt and asking for the required measurements of the photographs.
115 - Copy letter from the Prince Consort to Count Riesch thanking him for lending his family's Raphael drawing of the Massacre of the Innocents and sending him a photograph of the Raphael drawing of the same subject from the Royal Library in Windsor
116 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Ludwig Gruner concerning the return of Count Riesch's Raphael drawing.
117 - Letter from Dr. Gustav Waagen to Ernst von Stockmar.
118 - Letter from Gustav Waagen to Dr. Ernst Becker sending a retouched photograph of a Raphael work in the Berlin Picture Gallery and promising a copy of the Raphael engraving discovered in the Düsseldorf Academy, with comments on other related matters.
119 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Gustav Waagen acknowledging receipt of the retouched photograph.
120 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Ludwig Gruner sending the negative and six prints of Count Riesch's drawing.
121 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland acknowledging receipt of Count Riesch's drawing and the negative of it, which he has forwarded to Neschwitz.
122 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Artaria & Co., Vienna, reminding them of the order placed with them in December 1859 for photographs of drawings in the collections of Count Esterhazy and Archduke Karl, and sending a list of what is required.
123 - Letter from Count Riesch to the Prince Consort thanking him for returning the Raphael drawing together with photographs of it, the glass plate negative and a photograph of the Raphael sketch of the same subject in the Royal Library in Windsor
124 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland forwarding Count Riesch's letter and a letter (not present) from Klemm.
125 - Preliminary report by Professor Andreas Müller on his discovery of an engraving by Raphael in the collection of the Düsseldorf Academy.
126 - Incomplete letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland concerning an engraving by Raphael discovered by Professor Andreas Müller in the Düsseldorf Academy,
127 - Letter from Ernst Stockmar to Charles Ruland announcing the dispatch of glass plate negatives and prints of two drawings attributed to Raphael in the Savigny collection; unrelated subjects also mentioned.
128 - Letter from Artaria & Co in Vienna to Charles Ruland stating that they have made preparations for the photographing of drawings in the collection of Archduke Albrecht, but that it cannot be done before Easter.
129 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Charles Ruland asking for news of the photographs of the Raphael Cartoons and announcing that photographs have now been taken of the [Raphael] paintings and drawings in the Städel'sches Insitut
130 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Charles Ruland sending details of the photographs of the Raphael Cartoons of which the Städel Institute is still waiting for photographs.
131 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Charles Ruland revising his request for photographs of the Raphael Cartoons.
132 - List of photographic studies from the Raphael Cartoons received by the Städel Institute.
133 - Letter from Artaria & Co. to Charles Ruland announcing that they have dispatched the glass plate negatives of Raphael drawings in the collection of Archduke Albrecht but have been unable to find the drawing reputedly in Prince Esterhazy's collection
134 - Invoice for £17.5.6 for 12 glass plate negatives of drawings in the collection of Archduke Albrecht (Karl), including a tip to the Gallery attendant and packing and carriage costs.
135 - Letter from Artaria & Co. in Vienna reacting to the news that the glass plate negatives they sent arrived broken and that the work will have to be done again.
136 - Letter to Charles Ruland from the photographer commissioned to photograph works by Raphael in the Städel Institute in Frankfurt sending his photographs and explaining the difficulties he had in taking them.
137 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland concerning a Raphael drawing belonging to Professor Grahl which he has had photographed, and asking for news of the Prince Consort after his accident.
138 - Letter from Friedrich Culemann to Dr Ernst Becker sending a photograph of the Raphael drawing in the possession of Herr Kestner in Hanover, for the Prince Consort's collection.
139 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Friedrich Culemann thanking him for the photograph of Herr Kestner's Raphael drawing and sending photographs of 9 Raphael drawings from the Royal Library as a mark of the Prince Consort's gratitude to Herr Kestner.
140 - Letter from Professor Andreas Müller to the Prince Consort sending his memoir on the original Raphael engraving he has discovered in the collection of the Düsseldorf Academy of Art.
141 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to Charles Ruland sending photographs of his own drawings of a work by Raphael in Citta di Castello.
142 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland regarding the Neher drawing, Herr ?Brogmann's departure for Rome, and the Raphael drawing from the Grahl collection.
143 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland regarding a photograph of Raphael's drawing of a Muse in the possession of Professor Räher.
144 - Letter from Rudolf Hofmann to Charles Ruland concerning works attributed to Raphael in the Grand-Ducal collection in Darmstadt.
145 - Note from Princess Charles of Hesse to Princess Alice sending notes for the Prince Consort.
146 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland enclosing a letter from Professor Neher in Stuttgart and commenting on the latter's offer to have a copy of his Raphael drawing made for the Prince Consort.
147 - Letter from Professor Bernhard Neher to Ludwig Gruner offering to have a facsimile of his Raphael drawing made for the Prince Consort.
148 - Letter from William Carpenter, the Keeper of Prints & Drawings at the British Museum, to Charles Ruland regarding the portrait of Giovanni Francesco Penni attributed to Raphael.
149 - Letter from August Schleiermacher, the Director of the Darmstadt Museum to Charles Ruland describing the Raphael drawing in the museum's collection and sending a photograph of it.
150 - Letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Charles Ruland reporting on his discussions with Rudolph Weigel in Leipzig about the list of engravings sought for the Prince Consort's Raphael collection, and on engravings he has found in Berlin.
151 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to J.D. Passavant sending photographs of the Raphael Cartoons ordered by Passavant, and photographs of eight other works by Raphael which the Prince Consort has recently had taken for his collection.
152 - Note by the photographer Joseph Albert accompanying his photographs of a painting in the collection of Count Schönborn at Schloss Weissenstein.
153 - Extract from the 1845 catalogue of Count Schönborn's picture gallery at Schloss Weissenstein in Pommersfelden, concerning a mother and child formerly attributed to Raphael.
154 - Letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Charles Ruland sending prints, recommending print dealers in Berlin and sending information relevant to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection gained from his research in the Prussian royal print collection.
155 - Copy letter from Professor Neher, Director of the Stuttgart School of Art, to [Ludwig Gruner] sending the copy he has made of his Raphael drawing for the Prince Consort.
156 - Letter from Joseph Albert to Charles Ruland protesting at the latter's comment that his charges for the photographs commissioned by the Prince Consort were high.
157 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Berlin art dealer G. Heubel asking permission to have drawings in his possession photographed for the Prince Consort's Raphael collection.
158 - Letter from G. Heubel to Ruland giving permission for the Raphael drawings mentioned by Ruland to be photographed and listing 5 other drawings which he considers to be by Raphael
159 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Ernst Stockmar asking him to arrange for Raphael drawings and paintings in Berlin to be photographed for the Prince Consort's collection.
160 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Herr Heubel thanking him for permission to have Raphael drawings in his possession photographed for the Prince Consort's collection and enquiring about an engraving of a Raphael painting in Berlin.
161 - Letter from Dr. Ernst Stockmar to Charles Ruland agreeing to arrange the photography required.
162 - Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Charles Ruland thanking for photographs and sending the negative of a Raphael drawing and copies of 100 photographs from the Dresden Museum.
163 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to the Netherlands Ambassador explaining the Prince Consort's project and seeking the Ambassador's help in obtaining permission for drawings in the Teyler Museum at Haarlem to be photographed
164 - Letter from the Netherlands Ambassador to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing that permission has been given for the photographing of the Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum at Haarlem.
165 - Draft letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to W. Tinker, a photographer in Haarlem, asking if he would be willing to photograph the Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum, and if so when and under what conditions he would be prepared to do the work.
166 - Letter from W. Tinker to Dr. Ernst Becker agreeing to photograph the Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum and naming his terms; a note of Becker's reply is written on the letter.
167 - Letter from W. Tinker to Dr. Ernst Becker stating that he has been unable to photograph the drawings in the Teyler Museum satisfactorily and wishes to wait for better weather.
168 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Charles Ruland offering to photograph the Raphael drawings in Haarlem and mentioning collections in Paris and Lille.
169 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland announcing that he has been given permission to photograph the Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum in the open air.
170 - Letter from Robert Bingham to Charles Ruland reporting that Mr Tinker has not begun photographing the Raphael drawings.
171 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Robert Bingham saying that as Tinker has been given the commission, Bingham's offer cannot be accepted.
172 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to W. Tinker asking him to send plates and prints.
173 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland announcing that his negative photographs and prints of the Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum are ready.
174 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland announcing that he has sent 22 glass negatives and prints.
175 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland sending his charge for the photography he has done, and agreeing to photograph 8 more drawings at the Teyler Museum attributed to Raphael.
176 - Letter from William Tinker to Charles Ruland sending a copy of his previous letter to which he has had no reply and which he assumes has been lost.
177 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland announcing that he has sent 8 glass plate negatives and prints of Raphael drawings at the Teyler Museum to the Prince Consort.
178 - List of drawings by Michelangelo in the Teyler Museum at Haarlem, copied by W. Tinker from the Museum's catalogue.
179 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland thanking him for his letter and sending the name of one of the directors of the Teyler Museum at Haarlem, Monsieur J. van der Vlugt.
180 - List of 22 Raphael drawings in the Teyler Museum at Haarlem [photographed by Tinker], giving the measurements of the originals where the photograph size is different, and the medium in which they are executed (the subjects are not listed).
181 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Mr J. van der Vlugt, a director of the Teyler Museum at Haarlem, regarding two series of photographs of Raphael drawings in the museum.
182 - Letter from W. Tinker to Charles Ruland reporting that the photographs sent by Ruland to the directors of the Museum have arrived, but he does not know why they have not been acknowledged.
183 - Letter from J.J. Enschedé, the Secretary of the Teylerian Institution, to Charles Ruland acknowledging receipt of the photographs by Mr Tinker.
184 - Letter from Sylvain Van de Weyer to the Prince Consort enclosing an announcement from a Belgian newspaper of the public sale on 26 January of a painting by Raphael.
185 - Letter from Jules Devaux to Sylvain Van de Weyer sending information about a Raphael cartoon owned by Comte Charles d'Oultremont de Presle.
186 - A press cutting from a Belgian newspaper announcing the forthcoming public sale of a painting by Raphael; the second from the Journal des Débats mentioning an article on Raphael by the editor of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Charles Blan
187 - Letter from Edmond Fierlants to Charles Ruland agreeing to photograph the Raphael cartoon owned by Comte Charles d'Oultremont, and sending a photograph of the picture claimed to be by Raphael but which he dismisses as worthless
188 - Photograph of painting of Ceres or the Goddess of Agriculture claimed to be by Raphael, enclosed with letter from Edmond Fierlants to Charles Ruland.
189 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Edmond Fierlants giving him the required dimensions of the photograph to be made of Comte Charles d'Oultremont's Raphael cartoon and answering other questions.
190 - Letter from Edmond Fierlants to Charles Ruland announcing that he is sending him two plates, with prints, of Comte Charles d'Oultremont's Raphael cartoon, explaining the difficulty he has had in photographing it, and declining to send a bill.
191 - Letter from P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding a picture by Raphael in Copenhagen.
192 - Letter from Andrew Buchanan, the British Envoy to Denmark, to General Charles Grey asking for instructions as to obtaining a reproduction of a picture by Raphael in the collection of the King of Denmark.
193 - Letter from Sir Augustus Paget, the British Envoy to Denmark, to General Charles Grey announcing that he is sending photographs of the Raphael Madonna in the Thorwaldsen Museum.
194 - Letter from Sir Augustus Paget, the British Envoy to Denmark, to General Charles Grey concerning the photographing of works by Raphael in Copenhagen.
195 - Letter from the British Envoy to Denmark to General Charles Grey concerning the photographing of works by, or attributed to, Raphael in the Danish royal collection.
196 - Letter from Sir Arthur Magenis, the British Envoy to Sweden, to General Charles Grey concerning the photographing of works by Raphael in the Swedish royal collection.
197 - Copy letter from Sir Arthur Magenis, the British Envoy to Sweden, to General Charles Grey regarding the photographing of the drawings by Raphael in the Swedish royal collection.
198 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to the British Envoy to Sweden responding to the latter's letter concerning the photographing of the Raphael drawings in the Swedish royal collection.
199 - Letter from Sir Arthur Magenis to Dr. Ernst Becker regretting that he can no longer help with the photographing of the Raphael drawings in the Swedish royal collection because he has been transferred to Naples, but offering his assistance there
200 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Sir Arthur Magenis accepting his offer of help from Naples and sending a list of works by Raphael there of which the Prince Consort wishes to have photographs.
201 - Letter from the British Chargé d'Affaires in Sweden to Dr. Ernst Becker regarding the Raphael drawings in Stockholm of which the Prince Consort wishes to have photographs.
202 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Sweden, to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting progress on the photography of the Raphael drawings and other works in Stockholm.
203 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine to Dr. Ernst Becker announcing the completion of the photography of the Raphael and other works in Stockholm and the imminent dispatch of the prints and plates to England
204 - List of Raphael drawings from the Crozat collection, purchased by Count Tessin and preserved in the Swedish Royal Museum, and a copy of an oil painting by Raphael of the Holy Family, photographed for the Prince Consort.
205 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to P.W. Grubb, the Director of the Swedish Royal Museum, thanking him for enabling the Raphael drawings in the museum to be photographed and enquiring about another drawing.
206 - Copy letter from Dr. Ernst Becker to Hon. Edward Erskine acknowledging receipt of the prints and negatives from Stockholm, thanking him for his help and announcing that photographs of the Raphael drawings at Windsor for the Swedish Royal Museum and a present for the Director will be sent to him
207 - Letter from Hon. Edward Ersine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Stockholm, to Dr. Ernst Becker reporting that he has received payment for the photographer Hansen, and also a diamond ring, together with news that a parcel is arriving from England.
208 - Photographer's receipt for photographing works by Raphael in the Swedish Royal Museum.
209 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Stockholm, to Charles Ruland reporting that he has delivered the Prince Consort's gifts to the Director of the Royal Museum.
210 - Letter from P.W. Grubb to Charles Ruland asking him to thank the Prince Consort for his present of a diamond ring and photographs of the Raphael drawings in Windsor, and promising to send a photograph of the Timoteo Viti drawing
211 - Letter from P.W. Grubb, the Director of the Royal Museum in Stockholm, to Charles Ruland announcing that the Timoteo Viti drawing has been photographed and the prints and plates given to the British Chargé d'Affaires for dispatch to England.
212 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Stockholm, to Charles Ruland saying that he will send the photographic plates and prints given him by Mr Grubb as soon as possible, and that there will be no charge for them.
213 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Stockholm, to Charles Ruland announcing that he has dispatched the photographic plates.
217 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to P.W. Grubb, the Director of the Royal Museum in Stockholm, conveying the Prince Consort's thanks for the gift of two photographs.
218 - Letter from J.D. Passavant to an unknown addressee giving information about an art dealer, M. Noé
219 - Letter from an unidentified writer in Brussels to Baron [?Stockmar or Bunsen] about pictures attributed to Raphael in St Petersburg; mentioning two other Raphael pictures, one in Brussels and another in Tournai
220 - Letter from Sir John Crampton, the British Minister in St Petersburg, to Dr. Ernst Becker enclosing a letter from the Grand Marshal of the Russian Imperial Court regarding pictures by or ascribed to Raphael in the Hermitage.
221 - Letter from Andrei Schouvaloff, the Grand Marshal of the Russian Imperial Court, to Sir John Crampton, the British Minister in St. Petersburg sending a list of works by Raphael in the Hermitage.
222 - List of pictures by Raphael in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
223 - Letter from Sir John Crampton, the British Minister at St. Petersburg, to Dr Ernst Becker regretting that it has not yet been possible to obtain photographs of the works by Raphael in the Imperial Collection in the Hermitage.
224 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in St. Petersburg, to Charles Ruland announcing that the photographs of the Hermitage's Raphael pictures are nearly ready.
225 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d 'Affaires in St. Petersburg, stating that the Prince Consort wishes to have the negatives.
226 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in St. Petersburg, to Charles Ruland announcing that has sent negatives and prints of four pictures by Raphael for the Prince Consort and enclosing the photographer's bill.
227 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine, the British Chargé d'Affaires in Russia, to Charles Ruland announcing that he has ordered photographs of the two pictures requested by Ruland and reporting the photographer's comments about his charges.
228 - Letter from Hon. Edward Erskine to Charles Ruland announcing that he is sending the photographs and negatives of the two Raphael pictures requested for the Prince Consort and enclosing the photographer's bill
229 - Andrey Denier's bill for photographing two pictures [ascribed to Raphael] in the Hermitage collection for the Prince Consort.
230 - Andrey Denier's bill for photographing two pictures [ascribed to Raphael] in the Hermitage collection for the Prince Consort.
231 - Andrey Denier's bill for photographing two pictures [ascribed to Raphael] in the Hermitage collection for the Prince Consort.
232 - Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Count Schuwaloff sending an album of photographs of the Raphael drawings in the Royal Library at Windsor.
233 - Letter from Charles Ruland to Count Schuwaloff conveying the Tsar's thanks for the album of photographs of the Raphael drawings at Windsor which the Prince Consort has sent for the Hermitage.
4 - Raphael Collection Desiderata
Expand 5 - Raphael Correspondence; additions; 1882-19655 - Raphael Correspondence; additions; 1882-1965
Expand 12 - Correspondence from Prince Albert to Leopold I, Lord Spencer and his Aunt, and New Year wishes to him from the Queen12 - Correspondence from Prince Albert to Leopold I, Lord Spencer and his Aunt, and New Year wishes to him from the Queen
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