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VICMAIN - Victorian Papers, Main Series
1 - Correspondence with Prime Ministers and Speeches from the Throne
2 - Letters from Ministers and others, including correspondence with Lord Beaconsfield as Prime Minister
3 - Papers and correspondence with Lord Melbourne and Lord John Russell relating to constitutional issues, the Royal Household, woods and forests and other miscellaneous subjects
4 - Correspondence about Church affairs and Irish policy, including Home Rule
5 - Correspondence about the Army, Navy and National Defences, including letters to the Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge (Commander-in-Chief of the British Army) and correspondence about his retirement
6 - Files relating to the Crimean War, Queen Victoria's Jubilee and Funeral and Prince Albert's files relating to the Great Exhibition and other topics
1 - Correspondence about the Crimean War
2 - Correspondence about the Ashanti Campaign
3 - Correspondence about Parliamentary Reform
4 - Correspondence about the Royal Titles Bill
5 - Correspondence about the Royal Titles Bill
6 - Prince Albert's papers concerning the utilisation of sewage
7 - Prince Albert's papers about the funeral of the Duke of Wellington
8 - Correspondence about the Peerage
9 - Prince Albert's papers about the purchase of Osborne
10 - Prince Albert's papers relating to Allodial Rente (lawsuit against the Gotha Government regarding the Ernst entail)
11 - Correspondence about the death and funeral of Queen Victoria
12 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
1 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
2 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
3 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
4 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
1 - Letter from Edgar Bowring to General Charles Grey
2-4 - Letter from Charles Wentworth Dilke to General Charles Grey (including enclosures)
5 - Letter from Lord Salisbury to Prince Albert
6 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Charles Wentworth Dilke
7 - Copy letter from Prince Albert to Lord Salisbury
8 - Letter from Monsieur Quetelet to Prince Albert
9 - Letter from General Charles Grey to Prince Albert
10 - Letter from Lord Salisbury to Prince Albert
11 - Dimensions of proposed Picture Gallery
12 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
13 - Letter from Sir Charles Eastlake to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
14 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Sir Charles Eastlake
15 - Prince Albert's memorandum on proposed horticultural garden at Kensington
16 - Letter from Lord Stanhope to Prince Albert
17 - Plan of labyrinth by Lord Stanhope
18 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to William Nesfield
19 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
20 - Letter from William Gladstone to Prince Albert
21 - Letter from Lord Brougham to General Charles Grey
22 - Proposal for a 'Palace of the People' at Muswell Hill
23 - List of the Great Northern Palace Company Limited's Board of Directors.
24 - 'Proposed arrangements for the Educational Department of the Palace of the People'
25 - 'List of Honorary Patrons for the 'Palace of the People'
26 - Map of proposed site for the 'Palace of the People'
27 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
28 - Proof copy of 'An Agreement for holding an International Exhibition in 1862'
29 - Letter from Edgar Bowring to General Charles Grey
30 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Edgar Bowring
31 - Letter from General Charles Grey to Peter Le Neve Foster
32 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
33 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
34 - Letter from General Charles Grey to Henry Cole
35 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
36 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
37 - Copy letter from Prince Albert to Lord Granville
38 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
39 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
40 - List of those joined in the Guarantee for the Exhibition of 1862
41 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
42 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to General Charles Grey
43 - Memorandum of the proceedings of the Society of Arts for the Establishment of International Exhibitions of Art and Industry
44 - Correspondence between the Trustees for the International Exhibtion of 1862 and the Council of the Society of Arts
45 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Henry Cole
46 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
47 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
48 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
49 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Sir Thomas Phillips
50 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Peter Le Neve Foster
51 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
52 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Henry Cole
53 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to General Charles Grey
54 - Memorandum of the proceedings of the Society of Arts for the Establishment of International Exhibitions of Art and Industry
55 - Correspondence between the Trustees for the International Exhibition of 1862 and the Council of the Society of Arts
56 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Sir Thomas Phillips
57 - Copy letter from Prince Albert to Lord Granville
58 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to General Charles Grey
59 - Copy letter from [Sir Thomas Phillips] to proposed Trustees for the International Exhibition of 1862
60 - Draft copy of 'Suggested Form of Charter' for proposed International Exhibition of 1862
61 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Sir Thomas Phillips
62 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to General Charles Grey
63 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
64 - Memorandum of the proceedings of the Society of Arts for the Establishment of International Exhibitions of Art and Industry
65 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
66 - Further correspondence between the Society of Arts and proposed Trustees for the International Exhibition of 1862
67 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
68 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
69 - Draft letter from the Council of the Society of Arts to the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851
70 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Peter Le Neve Foster
71 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Peter Le Neve Foster
72 - Draft letter from the Council of the Society of Arts to the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851
73 - Letter from Edgar Bowring to General Charles Grey
74 - Copy letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to Edgar Bowring
75 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Peter Le Neve Foster
76 - Letter from Charles Critchett to General Charles Grey
77 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
78 - Draft letter from the Council of the Society of Arts to the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851
79 - Letter from Peter Le Neve Foster to General Charles Grey
80 - Copy letter from the Trustees for the Exhibition of 1862 to the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851
81 - Letter from Edgar Bowring to General Charles Grey
82 - Printed proof of the 'Memorandum on the respective positions of the Royal Commission, the Society of Arts and the Guarantors and the Trustees of the Exhibition [of 1862]'
83 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
84 - Memorandum by Henry Cole for the Prince Consort's information
85 - Letter from General Charles Grey to Prince Albert
86 - Letter from Charles Wentworth Dilke to Prince Albert
87 - Letter of condolence to Prince Albert from the Royal Horticultural Society
88 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Prince Albert
89 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Queen Victoria
90 - Copy letter from William Cowper to the Duke of Cambridge
91 - Copy letter from Lord Powis to William Cowper
92 - Copy letter from Prince Albert to the Duke of Cambridge
93 - Letter from Henry Cole to General Charles Grey
94 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Henry Cole
95 - Letter from Lord Granville to Prince Albert
96 - Letter from William Cowper to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
97 - Letter from William Cowper to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
98 - Letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to William Cowper
99 - Letter from William Cowper to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
100 - Letter from Lord Powis to General Charles Grey
101 - Letter from the Royal Agricultural Society to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
102 - Copy letter from Alfred Austin to Lord Powis
103 - Copy letter from William Cowper to Lord Powis
104 - Resolutions of a Special Council of the Royal Agricultural Society
105 - Letter from Lord Powis to General Charles Grey
106 - Letter from Colonel Hood to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
107 - Letter from William Cowper to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
108 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Colonel Hood
109 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to William Cowper
110 - Copy letter from Prince Albert to William Cowper
111 - Letter from William Cowper to Prince Albert
112 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to Mr Hall Dare
113 - Letter from William Gladstone to Prince Albert
114 - Treasury Minute addressed to the Trustees of the British Museum
115 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
116 - Letter from Edgar Bowring to General Charles Grey
117 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
118 - Copy letter from Colonel Charles Grey to Charles Wentworth Dilke
119 - Draft letter from the Prince of Wales to the Royal Horticultural Society
120 - Letter from Baron Marochetti to General Charles Grey
121 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
122 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
123 - Letter from Henry Thring to Charles Wentworth Dilke
124 - Copy letter from General Charles Grey to the Duke of Buccleuch
125 - Letter from the Duke of Buccleuch to General Charles Grey
126 - Letter from Joseph Durham to General Charles Grey
127 - Letter from William Theed to General Charles Grey
128 - Letter from Sir George Grey to Queen Victoria
129 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Lord Granville
130 - Letter from Lord Granville to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
131 - Draft letter from Queen Victoria to the King of Prussia
132 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
133 - Letter from General Charles Grey to [Queen Victoria]
134 - Draft letter from General Charles Grey to Lord Granville
135 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
136 - Letter from Baron Stockmar to unknown
137 - Letter from Carl Ruland to Baron Stockmar
138 - Letter from Baron Stockmar to Carl Ruland
139 - Letter from the King of Prussia to Queen Victoria
140 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Lord Granville
141 - Letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Queen Victoria
142 - Letter from Lord Granville to Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps
143 - Letter from General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria
144 - Draft letter from Queen Victoria to the King of Prussia
145 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to General Charles Grey
146 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to General Charles Grey
147 - Memorandum on conditions for the Crown Prince of Prussia at the opening ceremony
147a - Letter from General Charles Grey to Queen Victoria
148 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to General Charles Grey
149 - Letter from Lord Torrington to General Charles Grey
150 - Letter from Sir George Grey to General Charles Grey
151 - Copy letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sir George Grey
152 - Copy letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Lord Palmerston
153 - Letter from Andrew Murray to General Charles Grey
154 - Letter from Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps to Queen Victoria
155 - Letter from Lord Torrington to General Charles Grey
156 - Handwritten note.
157 - Letter from Lord Torrington to General Charles Grey
159 - Letter from Lord Granville to General Charles Grey
5 - Prince Albert's papers about the Great Exhibition of 1851
13 - Papers of Albert, Prince Consort, about the Fine Arts Commission
14 - Papers of Albert, Prince Consort, about the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford
15 - Miscellaneous Political Papers
16 - Correspondence about a collision in the Solent between HMY Alberta and the Yacht 'Mistletoe'
17 - Correspondence about Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
18 - Correspondence about Royal Yachts
19 - Letters from Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and other members of the Royal Family, etc., to Sir Astley Cooper Key
20 - Weekly reports on the Public Revenue
7 - Correspondence about the Oriental Question
8 - Correspondence about the Oriental Question, Bulgaria, Russia and Poland, including the Coronation of Alexander II of Russia in 1856
9 - Correspondence about Germany, the Franco-German War, Austria, Schleswig-Hostein and Switzerland
10 - Correspondence about Foreign Affairs, including papers realating to Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Greece
11 - Journals of Nassau Senior and papers of Baron Stockmar on various subjects
12 - Correspondence about the Royal Family; Royal residences; functions and visits; honours and decorations; political matters and Royal grants
13 - Papers and correspondence relating to India
14 - Papers relating to India, Egypt and South Africa
15 - Correspondence concerning South Africa (including the South African War), West Africa, Central and East Africa, and other colonies (including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Fiji and Malaya)
16 - Correspondence about Foreign Affairs, including papers relating to Belgium, the USA, Central and South America, China, Japan and Persia
17 - Files relating to the deaths of Albert, Prince Consort, members of the British and Foreign Royal Families and other notable individuals; files of letters from the Prime Minister and other Ministers during the reign of Edward VII, and files relating to Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and other topics
18 - Papers and correspondence relating to Royal publications; Germany; Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh; titles and precedence; the assassination attempt on Queen Victoria by Roderick MacLean and correspondence with Ladies, Ladies in Waiting and Lord Beaconsfield.
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